This amazing video is from the people at Second Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. They wanted to show their city the joy of Christ. It looks like they did exactly that! Enjoy this video and then recommend it to your friends on Facebook.

From reading the description on YouTube, this was also a service project. Each participant donated a pair of shoes to local ministries to serve people in need. The whole project was a lead up to their Easter outreach.
I’m not sure what unchurched people were thinking, but this seems like a positive way to get others thinking. The message of the song is clearly about Jesus and the whole thing looks like a blast. It reminds me a little of a good VBS worship rally.
I’m also glad this was a Southern Baptist church doing the event. We have something of a bad reputation for old-time legalism. In my experience, Baptists are becoming more open-minded while holding firm to what the Bible really teaches.
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