Go Preschool Ministry Curriculum

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Here’s another look at the Go Curriculum preschool edition. I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback about their material, so don’t miss the free sample on their website.

YouTube video
Introduction to the GO Curriculum for children’s church
YouTube video
Go Curriculum for Preschool Ministry

What is special about Go!

This is a downloadable curriculum for preschool and elementary kids. Here are the key things you should know:

  • CHRONOLOGICAL – GO! takes kids through the Bible chronologically every year and helps kids see how they too can be a part of God’s story.
  • GOSPEL CENTERED – GO! regularly presents the Good News of Jesus and gives kids an opportunity to respond by becoming faith-filled followers of Christ.
  • GOD FOCUSED – GO! shows kids how God is at the center of every story in Scripture and helps them understand the character and nature of God.
  • FAITH FORMING – GO! teaches Biblical truth with real world application. But more than that, it gives direction and space to develop a personal relationship with Jesus.
  • FILLED WITH FUN – GO! is tons of fun! We don’t want parents to drag their kids to church. We want kids to break your doors down. Metaphorically of course.

47 thoughts on “Go Preschool Ministry Curriculum”

  1. Amazing idea and I love it! I am a missionary to a remote community in Nicaragua. Weekly I use two of your lessons, one for preschoolers and one for elementary age kids. I translate them into Spanish for our teachers to use and plan a craft to correspond to the lessons. I can’t tell you how it blesses me to have access to well written lessons that simplify my life! Thank you so much.
    Forever grateful,
    Tamara Price
    Iglesia Comunidad de Fe
    El Paraiso, Departemento de Leon, Nicaragua

  2. Sounds fantastic! I love to make stories fun and interactive for all ages
    share more of these ideas.
    Yes, I am excited and with hope will receive this freebie

  3. Wow this looks amazing. I love how they talk about getting the kids out of their seats and becoming a part of the story. What great way to help the children understand the stories of the Bible and make them real to the children.

  4. This looks amazing! I am always on the lookout for something that is relevant, current and not too “cheesy” that the kids can connect with and remember. Our kids LOVE to be part of the story and it definitely helps them remember the lessons. I hope we can incorporate the Go! curriculum at some point in our CM. Also love that it flows from Pre-k to Elementary!

  5. This is wonderful! I love how this can be used for all ages !!! I have been looking for something for our children’s ministry for a while that would be easy to use and get the kids more involved.

  6. Sounds exciting! My first thought is that I’d like to learn more and see how they do it. I would like to see if it would work for our new Sunday School launch.

  7. This looks absolutely amazing!! I have been Searching for lessons to draw in more children into our youth group & Sunday school class to grow our next generation into loving & worshiping our Good Lord above?? I’m so happy to see people planning around the needs of our next generation so that they can form a relationship with our Father & spread His gospel ? This is exactly what our children need! Thank you!! I would love to have this freebie if it is in Gods will for me but if not I pray that whomever wins this spreads so much knowledge to our little ones & it blesses each & every child that gets the chance to learn about our God in a fun exciting way? God Bless

  8. The videos were very informative and interesting. I like the fact that GO! is a comprehensive curriculum that goes through the whole Bible. I believe engaging the kids in the story is key to getting the Word in them. I can see how preschool kids would love Topher the Gopher. Thank you for making this.

  9. I enjoyed the video. I found it informative and motivating. I am beginning my journey on ministering preschool children for the first time at my church and I would feel even more confident teaching them if I had this curriculum.

  10. This is wonderful. Hello, I’m from Indonesia and I’m looking for ways to be a good Sunday school teacher, how to teach children that they not only get the knowledge but they will DO and BE like Christ.
    My dream as a parent is to make them powerful than the previous generation. Imagine what if from an early age, they could hear the voice of God, they can speak in tounges, colaborate with holy spirit, walk as victorious, and be God’s selected arrows to impact the nation. This curriculum changed and inspired me. God Bless You and your ministries. Say cheese!!!!

  11. YES! I,ve wanted SOMETHING that the teachers & the kids can get EXCITED about!!! We have a small group usually, can NOT hold their attention {BORED}. Ifeel getting them involved in the lesson, would help tremendesly !!! So glad I listened, & searched for a different way to reach our little ones!!!!!
    Thank You!!!!!

  12. I have been looking for things to do with my son at home to teach him more and not get bored. This looks to be quite nice and interesting. I would love to win for him.

  13. I go to your site each week to get ideas. I am sure the kit would be wonderful material to share in our children’s church ministry.

  14. This preschool curriculum is exactly what I’ve been looking for. Week after week I spend hours trying to come up with activities to keep my preschoolers interested and motivated in our Sunday School lessons. It looks like this would not only save me time but also do a much better job at it than I have. I’m going right now to look at the free samples and praying that I can win this giveaway for our little class. Thank you for making us aware of this curriculum and God Bless!

  15. We have a small church. My Sunday morning class has kids ages 4-8 currently. They love learning God’s word and this looks like a fun way to teach. This would also work great for our Wednesday evening group, which is age 4 thru 6th grade. Many have limited attention spans, so keeping them involved is important.

  16. Sounds very exciting and customizable. That is exactly what we need. Looking forward to seeing more from GO!

  17. This material is a God-sent! Children love to be involved with the learning and taking an active role. This is just what I need to enhance our curriculum. Thank you so much!!

  18. Looks great! We are such a small church that we can’t afford a regular curriculum. Sure wish we could, but the free material on the ministry-to-children keeps us going.

  19. love it. Our VBS that we use is similar and the kids loves it. Would love to use this for our Wednesday night program.

  20. I love your approach to learning children do learn by repetition, I believe with your approach that Pre- school children will be able to retain a lot of what is being taught they are so open at this age and curriculum your have created so work with this age group.

  21. Looks like a fantastic resource! The chronological and bible inclusive sequence plans are very exciting. When we carve out the funds, I’d love to try it out in our Elementary and Pre-school classes.

  22. Looks like it would be so interactive with my preschool ss class. I’m a visual learner so are my little ones. Always more fun and teachable with activities with our lessons. I have taught for over 20 years, and have used this site so much. I’m doing attributes of God, love love it!! Just brought it down to preschool level. Would love to have more curriculum and ideas. Tony keep up the great work! Awesome site and it’s free..

  23. Active learning and objects to pass around are always a great way to engage little ones. I love the ideas Tony and others at this ministry come up with.

  24. I love that it’s so interactive and it can be customized. Could I customize this to work for a younger group? 2-4 year olds?

  25. This looks great! We have a growing church with lots of young families with preschool children. It’s not easy to find reasonable material for that age group. Keep up the good work! Churches with small budgets can really use your material. We have used it for our older kids. Thank you for this mission!

  26. God bless
    I really love this. This is how it should be kids being part of the story. As a teacher I role play the part and also let the children be part of the lesson. Not only reading, but allowing them to play a part of the main characters. They loved it. And, also I let them take turns and going up to the board to retell the story.

  27. Super cool! What an awesome approach.Our church is small but might. I think my preschoolers would love this.

  28. At my daycare we currently use abcjesuslovesme. however, i like how you add the extras. Not only do you think about the children but you also think about the teachers. i have tweaked our current plan but this is even better. cannot wait to see what you have in store. would love to win your program to try!

  29. I Love how all the Bible stories connect bringing an understanding that God is real, and is here to help our children learn about him and his love, through his word and hands on crafts, this is what I been searching for to help my children grow and learn God’s way.

  30. This appears to be spot on curriculum. First, it acknowledges that the Word of God is living and powerful! Second, it emphasizes that Jesus is the focus -He’s the way, the truth, and the life. Third, it understands that children have to be a part of the story. If the children can’t relate to what is being taught, they will go home unchanged and uninspired. Our purpose is to teach them the Word of God so they can be inspired, grow in understanding of WHO God is and grow to love Him. This results in their desire to share this knowledge with family and friends. Thank You!

  31. This curriculum sounds very exciting for preschoolers and teaches little ones in ways
    that are meaningful to them.

  32. It can be so challenging to find a good preschool curriculum. I have not only taught preschoolers in church, but I am also a preschool teacher! I think this would be a fantastic curriculum! I would love to teach it to the ones in my class.

  33. Awesome! Your lessons are a blessing to our children. Thankyou!
    Our church is growing & it’s great to be able to give them engaging but yet godly material. God bless

  34. I love the format of this curriculum and that it had options for bigger groups and small groups. I am new to teaching Sunday school group, but I have such a burden for these young kids. We’re have such an awesome opportunity to instill the gospel in their lives. I am so thankful for the different curriculums that are available here.

  35. My first impression was that this could be what we’re looking for with our preschool group. We’re a small church plant that is trying to figure out what will work best with the ages and kids we have. I’d love to win the curriculum!

  36. I really liked the demo. And I like taking the children through the Bible from beginning to end and engage them with activities relating to the story.
    Think your curriculum would be a wonderful tool
    Thank you and blessings
    M kirkland

  37. I thought this demo was very helpful as an intro to the curriculum. It looks amazing! We are a small church, mostly adults and recently have had a 3 and 5 yr old. I am looking for something like this, as I have been given the task (joy) of ministering to these kids, but it has been a long time since I had little ones.

  38. I love this! Thank you all so much for having this available. The LORD has called me to teach Sunday School for preschool age! I’m so excited to do what GOD needs me to! Thank y’all again!

  39. My first impression from the video of Preschool Go Curriculum is that there is a lot of movement in this. With my group being 2-4 year olds, this can be very helpful. Especially beginning with prayer and a song. I like that.
    Topher is not something I like. I do not find groundhogs in the Word! I would probably change the character to something Biblical; making my own puppet. Being editable, this could work well.
    The Bible box is an interesting idea. We have been doing the theme “The Bible is the Treasure”, so this ‘Treasure’ box would fit in well.
    The teacher helps and devotionals are great. I am relatively new at this preschool thing and would use the tips and set up information a LOT!
    Thank you for this opportunity.

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