Evangelism tracts have come a long way!
I’m really impressed by these Gospel sharing resources from Let the Little Children Come.
Be sure to click over to their official website to see the Gospel Tract’s sample pack.
For another look, check out Meghan’s review of this Fun Evangelism Tool for Kids.
Going through these kids evangelism tools, I was thinking two main ways to use these materials.
- Sharing the Gospel with Kids – The wordless book is one of my favorite ways to present the Gospel to younger children. These evangelism tracts take that appeal and add cool animated pictures.
- Empowering Kids to Share Jesus with Peers – Can you imaging training a group of children to use these tools to tell others about Jesus? I think that would be awesome.
So cool. We are planting a church in East Texas. I’m the children’s director at Harvester Center Church. We are in need of evangelism tools to reach the younger kids in our community. We have several young people in our church who are ready to go and preach the gospel and find those who are lost. These would benefit greatly and would be put to great use. Thank you, Maria Taft
Our City Kids children’s ministry serves a demographic with a high percentage of broken families with hurting kids. We are 7 weeks into a ministry overhaul where we are focusing on helping these kiddos develop deep relationships with Jesus in order for them to share the hope that they have in Him with their peers. Many of those peers also come from broken homes and lower income families. These tools would be a great way for us to equip the little children to take their faith out into their worlds.
We have youth Sunday at our church we also have real talk for our kids. These would be an awesome way to increase our children’s faith in Christ.
My name is Kathy Kimbrell and my husband is the pastor of our church. We have a young couple that has been working with our children. When we started about 5 years ago we had 9-12 people. Since this young couple has started working with our group we have 17-24 people. God has blessed us! Finances are small and this would be a great opportunity for them to have the tools they need for the children. They really work hard on letting the youth take part in our services.We have been thinking of how to reach out to the youth of our community and I believe this is the answer. We are a small church but God has richly blessed us with his spirit of love.
Prov.3 Verses 5 to 6. Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
That was truly awesome. We are a small country church with children from drug users, broken homes, etc. We would love to win this to use to help reinforce Gods love for our children.
My father in law is the pastor of our church here in Tampa, Fl. We are a smaller church but our children’s ministry is big with about 15 kidsk. I’d use these to give to the children at our church so that they can be conversation started between their peers. I also believe these will be a daily reminder for our own kids to know that God loves them.
Hi Tony,
The tools look simple but very effective for teaching the gospel and getting the children to share with their friends. The braclets are a great way for explaining the way of salvation and the animated books will really catch the interest of the younger children, The tracts too are great way for the children to spread the wordof God to their friends and family.
Those are awesome tools! Some ladies from our church are going on a mission trip in Africa this year. That would be awesome to give to them to take along with them! I hope I win and thank you!
Very cool resources to reach the neighborhood children that come to our Friday Friends after school program. I will look at the website LET THE CHILDREN COME!
Arianna was very special and did an awesome job reading and sharing the contents of that box. Thank you!
We have few small children and youth. We would like to grow. Our church is small. I believe this material would be very helpful. Some of our children come from broken and abusive homes.
Hello, I am the director of our children’s church, ages 3-5, and I have seen the hunger for the word of God when it is taught at their level. The smiles I get when the children are asked about a Bible story and they can tell if from their point of view is amazing. I know these tools will teach them that they are not too young to share God’s word.
Hello, I am the children’s church director, covering the ages of 3-13. There is so much we need to impart to our children and this is the time to do so. The children look forward to children’s church and are so excited to learn about Jesus. We are having our District event in May and we will be focusing on Evangelism for all ages on Saturday 18th May 9-12 a.m. We will be outside talking to others about the love of God and giving out some basic need items. This would be a great addition for our kinds to be involved and to share the love of God in the community. I use many of your ideas at our Children Church also. Your ministry is a blessing to all.
By looking at this video, I will be able to teach them all about Jesus and how he shared with people. Teach them that we all need to know more about Jesus and the many things that he did for us all and what he’s still doing for us.
So cool! Would use this on my annual mission trips.
I have been looking for resources to share with children who have been attending a house church here in a local neighborhood. Many children attend without their parents and come from homes where the gospel is not known or taught. How wonderful that these activities are geared toward teaching children the most important truth: God made us and loves us, sin separates us from Him, but Jesus made a way for us to live with God. Beautiful!
Great way to share the Gospel and start a conversation!
WOW! GREAT TOOLS! ! ! ! ! I’d love to use them as we teach the Great Commission next week. Our kids made a cross with colors for their Easter Craft. We will role play using the colors to tell a friend about the Gospel.
Hello, my name is Shanara MCCorkle and I am the director of education at A Second Chance Baptist Ministry. We are a small church in Gastonia, North Carolina. I have found that the youth learn better an interact more when they have materials that make learning fun. All of the material in this video supplies a way for children to learn, while having fun . The youth leaders at our church have been looking for way to keep the children interested in church, and I believe these items will benefit our youth department.
I would use this in my classroom at First Apostolic Church of Nankin Ohio Looks like the kids would be fascinated with this opportunity
I teach children’s church and have found that having interactive things for the children really help in teaching the children. I can see how some of these will help with that. Also of the items can be used to share the word of God with friends and family members like the bracelets.
Great Materials Good Organization. Thanks for sharing these on this site.
Aloha! I am the Sunday school teacher at the church in Big Island, Kona. The church is the first church in Hawaii and will celebrate 200years next year. It would be great to use these wonderful tools to reach to the children on the island. It would be so encouraging to the kids at church as an answered prayer!
These are some awesome ways to introduce the Bible to children! They are new and fun ways to let children show their friends how awesome God is, and allow them to evangelize to their friends! I think these would be amazing to use in Children’s Ministry, and to reach more children outside of our doors!
I have a Wednesday night class that we are working on teaching them that they can teach others about God and his love for everyone!! We could use each of the items as a conversion starter with others while at school or playing at a park or wheth they may be!!! We are teaching out kids that they are teachers too!!
WOW these look like fun filled, exciting, actionfilled activities that really get kids into learning about the way the Lord wants us to show his love. I have enjoyed teaching our church kids from many ideas given all ready. Thanks for the opportunity of more excitement for them!!!! I tried to rate the site a 5 but it put a 2
I would ask the children to tell me of a way to “get the word out” about something very important. Ex: Cereal they eat for breakfast…you can find your favorite one in an advertisement on TV, in a magazine, word of mouth and so on. Then explain to the children about a very important message God has and wants them to tell others about it. Go into he plan of Salvation. Make sure they understand and can tell someone else and ask if anyone would like to pray and accept Jesus in their heart.
I have a class of young kids ranging from age 0-13. We have classes every Thursdays in the afternoon/evening for 1-2hours weekly. We call our class-KKA (Kingdom Kids Adventure)
We walk through the Bible relating to real life situations.
E.G : when we talk about the creation for a whole month.
1st Thursday: we talk about the creation story.
2nd Thursday: we do activities on the creation story.
3rd Thursday: we watch a short movie on the creation story.
4th Thursday: we do cooking lesson-this is to show that God created all the food we have and also to give the kids a clear picture of God creating the universe out of nothing,but for us we still need to use something to create something.
We really want them to see and know who God/Jesus is ,to love him and to receive him fully into their hearts as their Lord and Savior.
We pay for our own supplies for the class (out from our own pocket-no support or sponsor)
This will be a great opportunity for our class if we win,it will an encouragement to the kids and also bring excitment into their hearts and smile to their faces.
I would love to use these tools with our childrens church! Always looking for new ideas to spread the gospel to our children. We love this website and use it often?
Children’s Church and Sunday School. Ages 2-7. This would be a great resource for our Church. Thank you
This is serious so awesome! Our church is getting ready to start a huge kids crusade in our area. We as a whole church have decided to GO AFTER THE KIDS! I could not be more excited about this! These would be such amazing tools for us to use to help reach these kids in our area!
I love your site. I have the junior department class. I would use the items along with the lessons on Sunday. My class would really enjoy to us the items.
I would use these to minister to the children that come through our food pantry at church!
We are a small church and we could use this to help get the word of God out in our community. Thank God for you.
I love the “Let the Little Children Come” products. I would give them to the children in my After School Good News Clubs.
I could use the books with my preschool classes and the airplanes. It would b so encouraging to the kids and their families.
First I would use the materials for small group activities after a related lesson discussion.
The bracelets can be used as incentives on recapping specific lessons.
What a wonderful tool for teaching. I am Youth Counselor and also teach Youth Worship on Sundays. Because we are often short staffed, I have youth who overlap in age and grade, so tools like this help me reach all of them and keep them engaged in learning more about the Lord and building a relationship with him. Because our budget is small, I often must use my own funds and this ministry has been such an amazing gift to me.
I am a CCD teacher of 3 ADHD students at St. Anselm’s Catholic Church in Nassau, Bahamas. I am always looking for ideas to engage them because they are quite gifted and I know that they need someone to care more for them. In the CCD Programme there are about 100 to 150 students who regularly attend every Saturday from 10 am to 12 noon. In our Parish Hall there are 4 classes sharing that space. The gift pack would be excellent resources for those of us in that space to share with the children. It will elevate our teaching level. We can also share the contents at our annual teacher’s retreat to begin the next session with some excitement.
This looks to be very educational, engaging and entertaining. I am a Children’s Church teacher in a very small church. For several years I have been creating my own curriculum with the help on online resources. This would be a great asset to my church.
I would love to win these great tools! I love to share the good news with children in my Sunday school,awana sparks and vacation Bible school.
I love the “Let the little children come”products.
Every year our church to go mission trip.This year I will use this products.
So exciting!!
Been using your material with my kids church and neighbors children for a while! Love this material! Please make more!!
It’s just amazing to see and witness all these preparations just for the children..showing the world that they are truly precious to God..just as Jesus said in the Bible…”dont stop them let them come to me for they are like those dwells in my fathers kingdom” children plays the most important part in families and within our churches..they maybe difficult to handle most times but they also they are reflections of Our Wonderful Gods great love in every small things they do..its just amazing..sometime im out of wrds to describe but deep inside we know his wonder through them..i talk much sorry ?
with the bracelets color i would let tgem wear them outside their hom and their outside school telling friends the meaning of each colors ..i know they would ralk more about it ..these way can help other kids who are not attending sunday schools or church..and there are so much more we could use these resources with ..can also share with otger little class un our ministry..theyll love this..
thanks for you time.
To help the children know about Jesus and How he loves us and it can help draw others to Christ
I love the lesson plans and tools provided from Ministry to children. I work with all ages of children and teach Sunday School and Wednesday night programs for children. I’m the Children’s Director at me church. I also work with a ministry called Hope for the Children Ministry. The ministry works with teenagers 11 yrs to 18 yrs. We have many programs for them including free after school tutoring, Teen Talk on Thursday nights where we talk about every day real issues with teens including cutting, drugs, abuse etc. and how to deal with them through the word of God. We also have a Free 8 Week Summer camp for Teens. It is a faith based, non-profit organization that runs solely because of God. We rely on donations, and fundraisers only. All workers including the founder and Director are volunteer only basis. The camp is totally free to the teens and their families. I use a lot of resources from the Ministry to Children as many of our teens do not know anything about the bible or God. The teens we work with are low-income, At-Risk, or foster families. Thank you for all the resources you provide at no cost. That’s God Working!!
Your website offers wonderful resources for children.
wow I am amzed at some of these products. My kids range in age from 1st grade to seniors in High school. So many things in this box look wonderfully geared towards the younger kids. I would love to win this and implement them into the kids childrens chapel and side studies. Thank you for showing this video.
We love to reward our children putting “Gods word in their heart etc as well as our “ new friends” giveaway.
Would love to share this with the children of our church! Thanks for all of the insights! God Bless you & your family!
I teach Children’s Church on Wednesday nights, ages toddler to preteen – and I help with the Sunday morning children’s classes, getting things ready for the teachers that volunteer each Sunday morning. I also help with VBS each year, and other ministries that our church hosts geared towards the children in our community. Many of the children come from families that are “unchurched” – and though the kids invite parents and grandparents, I think they find it hard to know what to say. The materials would be helpful to not only teach the kids, but also show them how to share Jesus with their families, friends and neighbors. I also teach in a nonprofit Christian preschool (we have 45 students, age newborn to 5) – we are totally nonprofit – and every penny of tuition that the families pay, goes towards teacher salaries and supplies for the school – there is not room in the budget for “extras” – so the materials you were showing in the video would be very helpful with our classes. Thanks for the work you do! I always enjoy my Ministry-to-Children emails and use your site and info on a regular basis (like weekly!!)
I am very new to teaching Kids Church just after renewing my faith in Jesus and I am so very glad to have stumbled across this site in my Google search. My granddaughter loved it too; spending many hours playing the games. Thank you Tony 🙂
I’d love to have one of those material of Kids Evangelism Tools here in Fiji for our Children Ministry….Thank you and God Bless You.
Thanks so much to everyone who responded – it was a great encoruagement to Alvin (who created these products). I’ve let the winners know by email.
Very interested to entice more children to join our Sunday school. God bless you .
From Africa Kenya . Lilian Nabuleje pastor’s wife and newly wedded .