Lesson: What are Angels and Demons? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #2)

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Kids Bible Lesson on Angels and Demons
This free Bible lesson is the second in our series of “Tough Questions Kids Ask.” It deals with the supernatural reality of angels and demons. It highlights what the Bible teaches about these spiritual forces and their role in important Bible stories. Above all, this lesson should focus children on their need for Jesus Christ and his power to overcome. This lesson plan is appropriate for children’s church, Sunday School, homeschool or a family discipleship setting.

OBJECTIVE: To facilitate the students’ understanding that angels and demons have explicitly different functions in the world.
MAIN IDEA: Angels and demons have opposite roles in the world: Angels worship God and minister to us while demons actively try to keep us from following Christ.
SCRIPTURE PASSAGES: Hebrews 1:13-14, Luke 1:26-31, Revelation 12:7, Isaiah 6:1-4, Genesis 3:24 (and Psalm 99:1), 2 Peter 2:4, 1 Timothy 4:1
MATERIAL(S): multi-pack of birthday cards
OPTIONAL COLORING PAGES: Do Not Fear! Coloring Pages (Halloween Theme)

Introduction (5 minutes)
OPENING PRAYER: “Lord, as we talk about angels and demons today, please help us accept what your word reveals. We know the bible gives us the information we need to grow in our relationships to you, so we pray that you use what we learn to draw us closer to you. Amen.”
PREVIOUS LESSON REVIEW: Explain that last week we talked about hell, and it should motivate us to tell others about Jesus. Say, “We should never fear hell as believers because our eternity is secured in heaven. However, we should fear others going to hell and being forever separated from God, so this is why we tell others about Jesus.”
Bible Lesson about Demons and Angels (15 minutes)

  1. Comment, “As we learn about angels and demons today I want to make something very clear: we are never to worship them! Angels and demons are created beings and hold no authority over God.” Allow students to state what they already know about angels.
  2. Read Hebrews 1:13-14 and Luke 1:26-31 to get started. Say, “Angels are submitted to Christ as ministering spirits. And some, like Gabriel, are messengers! Let’s see what other tasks angels are given.” Read Revelation 12:7, Isaiah 6:1-4, and Genesis 3:24. Explain that Michael is a warrior angel in charge of protecting God’s people while seraphim worship God above his throne. Cherubim worship God around his throne (see also Psalm 99:1) and guard the Garden of Eden. Comment, “Angels are created beings like humans, but they play a significantly different role in the world (as assigned by God). Also, we do not turn into angels when we die but become heavenly saints. Remember that encountering an angel in the bible was a very rare occurrence and we should never give angels spiritual priority of God and Jesus!”
  3. Say, “Now we will look at a couple verses to learn about demons and their purposes. What do you already know about demons?” Help students understand that demons are real, but they cannot possess us if we know Christ. However, demons were once angels who rebelled against God and lost their status because they sinned, so now they work to deceive people (unbelievers) and influence others (believers) to abandon their faith. Read 2 Peter 2:4 and 1Timothy 4:1. Comment, “Because demons actively work to turn people away from Christ, and toward sin, we need to be deliberate about learning scripture and growing in our relationships to Christ! Demons can’t read our minds (only God can do that), but they use opportunities of struggle to try and trip us up. We need to be faithful in prayer and reading God’s word to help protect ourselves from their wicked influence.”

Conclusion (5 minutes)
RECAP: Angels and demons are created beings and hold no authority over God. They have unique roles in the world, but they should never be worshipped.
CLOSING PRAYER: “God, today we’ve learned your truth about angels and demons. Please help us use our knowledge to benefit not only our relationships to you, but also to lead others to Christ. Amen.”
Service Project (20 minutes)
BIRTHDAY CARDS: Obtain a list of birthdays for needy children in your community (such as foster children) or orphans living in another country. Take time writing personal messages of encouragement and/or bible verses on each card. Before dismissing, specifically pray that the recipients will accept Jesus as their Savior if they do not already know him.
More Ideas for Teaching:

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

1 thought on “Lesson: What are Angels and Demons? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #2)”

  1. I have really enjoyed reading ” Tough questions” for children. I am blessed. I will teach all these to my sunday school kids.

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