Lesson: What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #7)

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Lesson: What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #7)
American culture has changed rapidly in the past few years on the acceptance of homosexuality. However, the testimony of the Christian Bible has not changed. God loves all people, yet he ultimately decides right & wrong. This lessons brings to light these teachings. For more help, read our discussion on same-sex marriage. You’re welcome to comment on this lesson plan, but our website is not a forum for debate.

OBJECTIVE: To debunk cultural myths regarding homosexuality by finding answers in God’s word. Also, to respond appropriately when we encounter others who disagree with biblical truth.
MAIN IDEA: Homosexuality is one of the sexual sins listed in the bible. We should respond with truth (in love) to others concerning this sin.
SCRIPTURE PASSAGES: Leviticus 18:22, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8, Matthew 19:4-6, Luke 6:41-42, John 4: 15-26 & 39-42, Matthew 5:14-16
MATERIAL(S): 4 clear, plastic cups (filled halfway with water), plastic spoon, red, yellow, and blue food coloring

Introduction (5 minutes)
PREVIOUS LESSON REVIEW: Ask, “What did we learn about worship last week? How did you worship God this week, and do you think he was pleased with your motives and actions?” Remind students that having a sincere heart is a requirement of true worship. Also, our external actions mean nothing if we aren’t submitted to God and don’t allow the Holy Spirit to guide us through worship.
OPENING PRAYER: “Please give us the heart to understand your word, Lord, concerning this prevalent issue in our culture today. We look to you for guidance as we defend your truth. Amen.”
Lesson (35 minutes, including the object lesson)

  1. MYTH #1: Homosexuality is okay. First explain to the students that acknowledging homosexuality as a sin must happen in order to fully understand God’s word on the subject. Read Leviticus 18:22 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. Say, “We see from these verses that homosexuality is one of the sexual sins (among lust and adultery) the bible warns against. But before we address how to deal with this sin in others’ lives, we should first look into our own hearts to purge personal sin.” Read 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8. Comment, “The bible tells us we reject God when we refuse to deal with our sin. Praying and repenting of our sins puts us back in a right relationship with God and Jesus.”
  2. MYTH #2: Jesus never spoke against homosexuality (or homosexual marriage). Read Matthew 19:4-6. Ask, “What is this passage about (marriage)?” Explain to the students that Jesus’ definition of marriage means any other definition is inaccurate. Therefore, Jesus did speak against homosexual marriage by defining marriage as a one-woman-one-man relationship. Object lesson: “Does anyone know what the colors yellow and red make when they are mixed together (orange)? Let’s find out!” Put a few drops of red and yellow food coloring in one of the cups of water and stir with the spoon until orange appears. Next, experiment by using yellow and blue food coloring in another cup (to make green). Lastly, use blue and red to make purple. Ask, “Did any other color combination make orange? This is exactly why other definitions of marriage don’t work – God created one man for one woman to work together in a marriage just like the colors red and yellow work together to make orange. We can trust that God’s plan for marriage is the best plan.”
  3. MYTH #3: Loving others means accepting their sinful actions. First, read Luke 6:41-42. Ask, “What are these verses talking about (hypocritical accountability)? What should we do before we attempt to help someone else deal with their sin (pray, repent, and make sure our motives are pure)? These verses are often used by others in an attempt to excuse sin.” Explain that we aren’t supposed to just go around pointing out others’ sins, but we aren’t supposed to “turn a blind eye” to sin either. However, Jesus set the example of speaking truthfully with others concerning their need for salvation and repentance of sin. Read John 4:15-26 & 39-42 to see how Jesus spoke truth to a Samaritan woman regarding her sexual sin.
  4. MYTH #4: Believers hate homosexuals. Explain that many people think Christians hate homosexuals simply because we disagree with their lifestyle. Ask, “So how do we show others this isn’t true (allow time for answers)?” Read Matthew 5:14-16. Explain that by serving, loving, and investing in others that non-believers will be more likely to see the “light” of Jesus. Comment, “Arguing and getting angry with others over the topic of homosexuality is not beneficial to anyone. Instead, we should pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help those who disagree with God’s truth about sexual sin and then be willing to let God use us to help bring non-believers into a relationship with him.”

Conclusion (5 minutes)
RECAP: Homosexuality is a sin and we should respond with truth in love, not with arguments or anger. We should pray for those who disagree with us, and ask God to draw them to his truth through Jesus Christ.
CLOSING PRAYER: “Lord, show us how to be a Godly witness to those who believe homosexuality is okay. We ask for you to use us to spread truth to others concerning this topic. Amen.”

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