Lesson: Jesus Cleans The Temple (John 2:13-22)

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Children’s Church Lesson: Jesus Cleans The Temple
Text: John 2:13-22
Learning Objectives: After this lesson, children will demonstrate knowledge of the Christology of this passage … by stating in their own words three things this story teaches about Jesus.
1.      Jesus did not want people “selling God.”
2.      Jesus had authority as God’s son to cleanse the temple.
3.      Jesus predicted his own death and resurrection.
Target Age: Kindergarten – 5th
Download: Jesus Cleanses The Temple

Items Needed:

  • Marked Bible for this passage. Prepare the copy in advance by highlighting the significant points to emphasize. Underlining words or ideas that will need additional explanation. I typically make small notes in the margin.

Explanation: This passage is often overlooked in children’s curriculum. But it is a great chance to show the importance of memorizing scripture. It also shows the how weak the Devil is compared to Jesus.

Bible Lesson Teaching Plan

Can you sell God? Can you buy God?

In Bible times, some people were trying to get rich off God and by cheating God’s people. They would have booths inside the temple to sell special “temple money” and special “temple animals” to be given to God. The problem was this stuff cost much more than regular stuff. So the people selling it were taking advantage of the common people who came to worship God. They were trying to get rich off God’s temple. It was like they were selling God.
Can you guess what Jesus thought about this?
Active Listening: Ask the children to listen carefully for three things this story teaches about Jesus.
Read (and summarize) John 2:13-22. Be sure to engage the children with good story telling. Emphasize the following three truths about Jesus from the passage:
1.      Jesus did not want people “selling God.”
2.      Jesus had authority as God’s son to cleanse the temple.

  1. Jesus predicted his own death and resurrection.

Ask for reports. The children should be able to repeat back the three points you emphasized.
Review: Read the following statements. Have the children stand up if this was something about Jesus that was taught in this story. If it was not taught in this story they should sit with arms crossed – even if they are true statements taught in other parts of the Bible the children should remain seated.

  • Jesus did not want people “selling God.”
  • Jesus always obeyed his parents.
  • Jesus loved children and gave them extra attention.
  • Jesus had authority as God’s son to cleanse the temple.
  • Jesus turned water into wine.
  • Jesus has the right to forgive sins.
  • Jesus predicted his own death and resurrection.

Test: Ask for volunteers to tell you what three things about Jesus we learned in our story.
Look: Can you think of ways people try to get rich off God today?

  • Some pastors get paid too much money – like they are rock stars. Our pastors are not like that.
  • There are people on TV that lie about Jesus and say God will make you rich if you give them money.

Many churches do not care for the poor or send missionaries – they only use the offering money to build bigger and fancier church buildings.

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