This Sunday School lesson draws an important spiritual point about Moses form Stephan’s speech in Acts 7 before the Sanhedrin. This lesson plan will help children see that the Lord has a plan for their lives and how He wants them to look for it and follow it. It can be for Sunday School or Children’s Church. This is a great opportunity to help children think ahead to the special plans that God has for their lives.
Bible Story: Stephen tells about Moses in Acts 7
Scripture: Acts 7:17-36
Target Age Group: Age 7 – 12 (U.S. 1st – 6th Grade)
Original Learning Context: Sunday School
Target Time Frame: 30 minutes
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Supply List: Obtain as many pictures of Moses displaying the verses spoken of in this retelling of the life of Moses in the NT such as: Moses slaying the Egyptian, Moses tending sheep in Midian, Moses before the burning bush, Moses and any of the plagues, Moses parting the Red Sea. Try searching for these phrases on Google Images.
Learning Goal: After this lesson, the children will not only know the events of Moses life, but they will be able to see the difference between following their own dreams and following God’s dreams for their life.
Learning Indicator: by retelling the story back to the teacher and sharing the differences between God’s dream and Moses’ dream.
Learning Activity #1:
Active Listening: Divide the children into two groups and have the first group listen for what Moses thought He should do for his people (Acts 7:24-28). Ask the second group to figure out the reason the Lord made Moses wait 40 more years before He told Moses what to do to help his people (Acts 7:30-35). Help the children understand that God’s plan was for the Jews to leave Egypt and return to their own land while Moses’ plan included a deliverance from bondage while remaining in Egypt.
Immediately after the story call on volunteers from each group to retell the story that gives the answer to their listening assignment.
Learning Activity #2:
Agree/Disagree: Read the following statements and have the children discuss the reasons they agree or disagree with the statement according to the Scriptures read.
- Moses was raised in Pharoah’s home and knew the Egyptian ways and customs. Agree. (Verses 21-22)
- Moses killed a Jewish man. Disagree. (He killed an Egyptian man, verse 24)
- Moses was educated and had power. Agree. (Verse 22)
- The Jewish men understood that Moses wanted to deliver them from bondage. Disagree. (They were afraid of him, verses 27-28)
- Moses lived in Midian for 40 years. Agree. (Verses 29-30)
- A bush burning in the wilderness but not being destroyed was something Moses saw all the time. Disagree. (He marveled when he saw it happening and turned to check it out more closely, verses 31)
- God spoke to Moses from the burning bush. Agree. (Verses 31-34)
- God knew the Jews were in trouble and wanted Moses to help them. Agree. (Verse 34)
- After waiting 40 years, it was time for Moses to be the ruler and deliverer. Agree. (Verse 35)
- Moses succeeded in doing God’s plan in delivering the Jewish people out of Egypt. Agree. (Verse 36)
Learning Activity #3
Open Discussion: Have the children sit in a circle and ask them questions about what they dream about doing when they become adults. Share your dreams of when you were a child and how they are the same and different than you dreamed. Share the reasons your dreams changed or remained the same. Share how you see the ways the Lord worked in your life to prepare you for what you were going to do to serve the Lord.
Retell the story: Ask for volunteers to help retell the story as was read in the book of Acts. If they need prompting ask them, “What came next?”
Connection with the Gospel:
These Scriptures teach the children that some times it might take a long time for the Lord to carry out His plans for our life, but that many times it is because the Lord is working in our life to prepare us for His plans. Share how the Lord’s plan for Jesus included only three years of ministry and then His death on the cross for their sins.
Connection with Life:
Discussion: This lesson helps the children understand that sometimes God’s plan for them might be different than their plans. Challenge the children to take their dreams and desires of what they want to do when they grow up to the Lord. Talk about having a heart willing to do what the Lord would want them to do, even if it might be different then their plans. Help them understand that the Lord’s plans are always for them to have a future and a hope in this life and the life to come.
Optional Game Idea “The Encouragement Game”
Here is a simple game to accompany this lesson plan. It challenges the kids to encourage one another and begin to think how God has blessed them with talents and interests to serve God & others. Watch the video below and read our detailed directions for this Sunday School game.

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