Moses Songs for Children

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Story of Moses Bible Lessons
"The Story of Moses" a five part Bible study for children

This page contains some simple songs you can use along with our lesson plans about Moses. Each of these is set to a familiar tune and can be sung without musical accompaniment. These are helpful for preschool Sunday School or other context with younger kids.
You can [print_link] these songs directly from this page, or download the print-friendly PDF file.

Exodus 20 “Moses Song”

(To the tune of Jingle Bells)
No other gods, no idols
Don’t misuse God’s name.
Keep the Sabbath holy, that’s God’s special day, HEY!
Honor your Mother and Father
Don’t murder, lust or steal
No false tales, no envy this is God’s great deal, HEY!

Rock-a-Bye Moses

To the tune of “Rock-a-Bye Baby”.
Rock-a-bye Moses in your small boat (Rock pretend baby – Cup hands
like boat.)
Made by your mother so it would float. (Make wave motions with hands)
God planned you special, a baby dear.—- (Point up)
Rocking and sleeping without any fear. (Rest head on hands.)
Rock-a-bye Moses in your small boat. (Rock baby)
Miriam watches you as you float. (Hands over your eyes)
God’s loving care guides a princess your way. (Walk 2 fingers)
And Miriam runs to get mother today. (Run 2 fingers)
Moses is growing into a man. (Stand up tall)
He learned God wants us to help when we can. (Hold hands as though
He saw sev’n sisters with sheep at the well. (Hold up 7 fingers)
And he gave them water, when others were cruel. (Pretend to draw water
from a well)
Taking his sheep to the desert one day. (Say Baa)
Moses saw fire from a bush on the way. (Act surprised)
It burned and burned but did not burn away. (Shake head no)
Then God spoke to Moses, I’m with you always. (Point up)

Pharaoh, Pharaoh

To the tune “Louie, Louie”.
Pharaoh, Pharaoh (hands with palms together over the head)
oooh baby, (point fingers down) let my people go (throw arms and
thumbs over shoulder)
Ya ya ya ya (fingers spread, shake over head)
I said, Pharaoh, Pharaoh, oooh baby, let my people go
Ya ya ya ya

I’m A Little Vessel

Tune of “I’m a little teapot”

I’m a little vessel for the Lord
God is my light, His Word is my sword
Whenever He needs me, hear me Shout
Tip me over and pour me out.

Pass It On

(sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)

Have you had a kindness shown?
Pass it on. Pass it on.
God wants you to share it. God wants you to share it.
Pass it on. Pass it on.
Wasn’t meant for you alone;
Pass it on. Pass it on.
God wants you to share it. God wants you to share it.
Pass it on. Pass it on.
Let it travel through the years,
Pass it on. Pass it on.
God wants you to share it. God wants you to share it.
Pass it on. Pass it on.
Let it wipe another’s tears,
Pass it on. Pass it on.
God wants you to share it. God wants you to share it.
Pass it on. Pass it on.

We will Listen and Obey

(to the tune of Old MacDonald had a Farm)

We will Listen and Obey,
Yes Lord, yes we will.
We will Listen and Obey,
Yes Lord, yes we will.
With a Yes Lord here and a Yes Lord there
Here a Yes, There a Yes, Everywhere a Yes! Yes!
We will Listen and Obey,
Yes Lord, yes we will.
New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

5 thoughts on “Moses Songs for Children”

  1. Thank you for sharing so many people are so secretive with Sunday School ideas that God gave them and they want to sell everything instead of sharing to help SS teachers so again thank you freely you receive freely you gave God bless you

  2. Thank you for sharing. I will definitely use this for my Bible Explorer Kids. I will comeback for kids feedback.

  3. I have gotten more good ideas from this site than any other on the web. Thanks for keeping it up. Judy Daum

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