Bible Crafts on Obedience

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These Sunday School crafts are inspired by the parable of two sons in Matthew 21:23-32. Use them to help children understand that true obedience comes with actions, not just words.

YouTube video

“Do What You Say!” Bible Craft ideas on Matthew 21:23-32

True Obedience: Craft Ideas for the Parable of the Two Sons    

“Actions speak louder than words” is a well-known and helpful maxim for us to remember, and it has important meaning. The parable of the two sons emphasizes this point, and we want to let children know that they ought to live out their love in real ways. However, it’s also important to note that Jesus did do what He talked about doing. He proved He is worthy of our trust and love, and we can live in joy because of that.

These crafts serve as reminders of the story itself as well as the points to be taken from it. The fun “bee” sticks are a helpful decoration, and the double-sided puppet can help tell the parable. The puzzle can be used to create a fun illustration, and also reminds kids that this story isn’t so much a “puzzle” as we might think initially.

Verses or Captions to Consider…

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. -Romans 12:9

Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart…  -1 Peter 1:22

Don’t just talk…. Live out your love!

Actions speak louder than words.

“Bee” faithful!

“Bee” genuine!

Don’t be “puzzled”…. Do what you say you will!

Jesus was the obedient son…follow His example

See the demonstration of this craft project on our YouTube channel.

Craft one: “Bee Genuine” Stick Craft

You will need:

  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape
  • Paper or cardstock
  • Markers or crayons
  • Verse caption or extra decoration (optional)
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Pipe cleaners, google eyes, or other extra decorations.


  1. Cut the paper into oval “bee” shapes. Cut out some “wings” as well.
  2. Decorate the ovals with stripes and faces to resemble bees. Add antennae if desired.
  3. Add a verse, caption, or label on the bees and/or popsicle sticks.
  4. Glue the bees onto the popsicle sticks and wave for a fun reminder to “Bee” real!

Craft Two: “Puzzled” Activity

You will need:

  • Glue and/or tape
  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Caption or verse (Optional)
  • Markers or crayons
  • Cardstock or card board
  • Extra decorations (optional)

1. Decide what kind of picture and caption you wish to create.  
2. Draw a picture and add extra decorations (stickers, glitter, etc.) if desired.
3. Add verses or captions to the image.
4. Glue the paper onto cardstock or cardboard for thickness.
5. Cut the picture apart into unique shapes, so that it can be put back together as a puzzle.         

Craft Three: “Double-Sided Attitude” Puppet    

You will need:

  • Paper plate and/or paper bag
  • Markers or crayons
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape

1. Choose a paper plate or paper bag as your “backdrop.”   
2. Decorate one side of the plate/bag with a happy and “obedient face.”
3. Decorate the other side of the puppet with a negative angry face. Feel free to embellish with google eyes or hair for extra texture.
4. Add captions and verses.    
5. Attach a plate (if using) to a stick to hold up the appropriate facial expression. Use the puppet to help describe the parable or consider example scenarios of obedience.

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