I am always working on ways to help my students, and my own children at home, to learn the books of the Bible. They need consistent practice in order to remember them, let alone be able to read them. So I have come up with a simple board game for students to practice the Old Testament books of the Bible. All you need is:
- Game Board (download here) – this could be 1 per every 2+ students, however many children you want to play at a time
(this could even be laminated so it could be used multiple times) - Game Pieces – these could be anything!
- Die – to see how many spaces you get to go
That’s it! It’s a simple item to have in your bag if you have 10 extra minutes at the end of class, or something that you actually have planned to do during your class time. As each child goes through the board, encourage them to say each space out loud as they pass or land on a space. By saying the books out loud (they are written in order), they will be practicing the order of the books as well as how to even say the names of the books. There are no negative spaces and the winner is the one who gets to the end first.