"Thank You, God!" Lesson for Toddlers

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Todder Bible Lessons
This is the eighth lesson plan in our series titled, “Toddlers Knowing God.” Each of these studies help children age 18-24 months better understand the character & nature of God. Click here to see the main index for these Bible lessons.
This particular lesson is based on Psalm 100:3-5 and teaches how to say thank you to God.

Thank You, God

Simple Lesson Series on God for 18-24 months
Scripture: Psalm 100:3-5
Main Idea: Thank you, God! (Repeat throughout the lesson. Use sign language for “thank-you” each time you say it.)
Supplies: Bible, See additional activities for other supplies and preparation.
With toddlers, you want to keep your lesson simple. If your class is able, get them to sit together on floor in front of you. Hold up your Bible.  SAY: The Bible is God’s Word.  The Bible tells us everything comes from God! We should thank God for everything in our lives. Thank you, God! (Do sign language.) Can you say thank you God?
The following activities are designed to reinforce the simple Scripture truth, encourage toddlers development, and engage their imaginations and creativity. Choose the ones that will work best for your classroom.

Thank you, God, for Me!

SUPPLIES: Mirror(s) for them to see themselves.
DO: Talk about different body parts God made as they look in the mirror.
SAY: Where is your hair? God made your hair! Thank you God for my hair!
Where is your nose? God made your nose! Thank you God for my nose!
[Continue on with eyes, mouth, tongue, ears, belly, fingers, and toes.] God, you made me! Thank you God for me! Can you say thank you God?

Thank You, God, for My Family!

SUPPLIES: Pictures of their families
DO: Point and talk about different family members.
SAY: God gave you your mommy! Thank you God for mommy! God gave you your daddy! Thank you God for Daddy! God gave you a [big/little] sister! Thank you God for my sister! God gave you [big/little] brother! Thank you God for my brother. God gave you friends. Thank you God for my friends! God, you gave us a family! Thank you God for my family! Can you say thank you God?

Thank You, God, for Your Creation!

DO: Take a walk to discover things outside that God created.
SAY: Look at the tall trees! God gave us the trees. Thank you God for the trees! (Continue on with sky, flowers, grass, clouds, bugs, etc.) Can you say thank you God?
God Takes Care of Us
SUPPLIES: Pretend food, dress-up clothes, baby dolls, bottles, blankets-works well in a Dramatic Play center.
DO: Discover how God takes care of us. Show them how to care for a baby doll. Let them wrap the babies in a blanket, feed them, try to put on a diaper, etc. Emphasize that God takes care of us like we take care of the baby.
SAY: God takes care of us! Thank you God for caring for us! God gives us life! Thank you God for life! God give us food. Thank you God for food! God gives us water! Thank you God for water! God gives us clothes! Thank you God for clothes! God gives us a home! Thank you God for our homes! God gives us a church! Thank you God for our church! God gives us the Bible! Thank you God for the Bible! God gives us love! Thank you God for your love! God gives us Himself! Thank you God for You! Can you say thank you God?

Thank You, God, for Color!

Supplies: Paint, smocks, paper or easels
DO: Let them get messy and create beautiful works of art for God!
SAY: God gave us beautiful colors! We can paint beautiful pictures for God! Thank you God for colors! Can you say thank you God?
Thank You, God, for the Bible
SAY: This is the Bible! This is God’s Word! He gave it to us. Thank you God for the Bible!
DO: Read Psalm 100:3-5 (have them sit on your rug crisscross applesauce or do during snack), “Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. (NIV)
SAY: God, you are good! Thank you God for you! Can you say thank you God?

Pray to God

DO: Hold hands or bow your heads together (just demonstrate and ask them to do the same. Some may, most may just watch.)
SAY: We can tell God thank you all of the time! Let’s tell God now! Dear God, thank you for giving us life. Thank you for mommy and daddy and our families. Thank you for the Bible and for our church. Thank you God for you! We love you God! Amen!

Praise God

Worship Him together with their favorite worship songs!

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

4 thoughts on “"Thank You, God!" Lesson for Toddlers”

  1. I absolutely loved your curriculum that was laid out for 2 years for toddlers. I believe it was called Sunday School lessons for Toddlers. It had 52 lessons for each year. I had it bookmarked but one day it said the site was closed. Do you know what I am talking about? If so where can I get the 2 year curriculum? I’m happy to pay for it. It was just so easy to use and the lessons were excellent. Keep up the amazing work!

  2. That doesn’t sound like something we have – especially since we don’t sell any materials. I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help.

  3. Your site is a real blessing! Thank you.
    I teach a toddler class at our church and the lessons are very helpful.
    God Bless your ministry.

  4. Love your lessons for preschoolers! This is my second year using them. Thank you for making this available!

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