This skit of the Christmas story is designed to be read in a Sunday School class. It gives the children the chance to experience what happened without an elaborate stage production. If you wanted, however, you could use some props and actions in your classroom.

The Story of Christmas
Skit for Children’s Church or Sunday School
Use the link above to download as a printable PDF document or preview the skit below. You can also browse full length Christmas plays on our website.
Characters –
- Shepherd 1, Shepherd 2, Shepherd 3, Mary, Joseph, Angel, Many Angels
Optional Props –
- Bible costumes, shepherds’ staffs, halos, baby doll
Skit: Christmas Story of Jesus Birth
Scene 1 – The Fields Outside Bethlehem
Shepherd 1: Another night caring for the sheep.
Shepherd 2: Same old thing, day after day, night after night.
Shepherd 3: I heard our rabbi say that someday the Messiah will come.
Shepherd 1: Of course. Someday. Not that we will ever see it.
Shepherd 2: It probably won’t happen for thousands and thousands of years.
Shepherd 3: And when it does happen, we lowly shepherds will be the last to hear about it.
The angel appears.
Shepherd 3: An angel! Run for your lives!
Angel: Don’t be afraid. I’m bringing you really great news. Today in King David’s old
hometown, the Savior has been born. This will be the sign to show you this is true: You
can go to the stable, and you will find the baby there, lying in a manger.
Many Angels: Glory to God in the highest, and peace to men on whom His favor rests.
Shepherd 1: We’ve got to go see this!
Scene 2 – The Manger
Shepherd 2: OK, this is the stable. But shouldn’t the Messiah be in the Temple or something like that?
Shepherd 3: I hope nobody thinks we’re crazy, looking for the Deliverer of Israel in a barn.
Joseph: Who’s there? Why are you here?
Shepherd 1: An angel sent us here.
Mary: I’ve seen angels too. Come on in and see Jesus.
New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.