Children’s ministry leaders are unequivocally some of the most creative folks on the planet but even this elite group can get stuck in a rut. Truth be known, I’ve been stuck in a routine myself more than a few times. I’ve experienced the agony of unenthusiastic volunteers, uncommitted families and no clear direction.
Don’t beat yourself up. It happens regardless of how creative, anointed or talented we are. Still, you can break out of the routine and turn your children’s ministry around! Here’s a few power-packed tips that could create the momentum you need to break out of a slump.
1. Purposeful, on-point prayer: Get excited again about praying for your ministry! Use a notebook to create some specific prayer points and take them to the Lord for advice and wisdom. Ask God to guide you through the monotony and into a fresh anointing. Enlist the help of other prayer warriors. It’s okay to post an official prayer request in your bulletin but its been my experience that you need to connect with intercessors to actually see significant movement in the spiritual realm. Pray about who you can approach to help you pray. You need committed individuals!
2. Getting the visitor’s perspective: Sometimes, we get in a rut because we stop looking at our ministry from the visitor’s point of view. Is the trash overflowing? Are there clear signs to the welcome table? Are visitors skipping your ministry because it looks like chaos? Get refreshed by polling new visitors. Ask them what they think and make the changes needed. Thinking about visitors will truly turn your ministry around. Don’t forget that kids opinions often matter greatly to their parents about attending your church.
3. New scheduling: When kids know what to expect it is comforting but it can also become a bit, well, boring. Perhaps what you need is a change in your schedule. Consider adding a puppet segment or add a wacky character for a skit. Maybe you need an even bigger change like an adjustment in the start time?
4. Ministering to families: Turning around your ministry may be as simple as a change in focus. Instead of just ministering to kids, put your focus on families. Make a commitment to get connected to parents and grandparents. Give them a phone call, send a note, reach out regularly. Watch things turn around!
5. Give it a fresh look: I change my ministry’s decorations every month. From painting a wall to replacing table cloths even subtle changes can make a difference. Move the chairs around, shift a table, try something new!
You can do it!
Read more from Mimi by visiting her blog at Tools for Kids Church. You can also find help on our website for overcoming your own discouragement in ministry.
5 Ways To Turn Your Children's Ministry Around
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