Here are the traditional pledges for Vacation Bible School. No matter what 2020 VBS Theme you choose, these will help you kick-start your day the right way. This download link above includes four pages: one for each pledge (Bible, Christian Flag, American Flag) and the combined version pictures below.
I love the smell of drying glue, melted crayons and cupcakes! It’s a unique fragrance that I associate with Vacation Bible School, one of my favorite ministry events. Like many churches, we open our daily VBS meetings with pledges to the Bible and the Christian flag.
Our opening procedures are simple and we work hard to include everyone. Every day, we select different children to hold the flags and the Bible as we make our pledges. If you have large flags mounted in heavy stands, you could select children to come stand next to the flag, as an example of how to pledge.
- Click on the image above to download the PDF bookmark version – also in JPEG
- If you prefer, get the full sized and bookmark download all the VBS pledges (Bible, Christian Flag, American Flag) in one printable file plus bookmark version.
The Bible Pledge: Ask a child to hold the Bible respectfully in the palm of his hands. Say,
“I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word, I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God. Amen.”
Have the child lay the Bible on a table or stand.

Pledge To The Christian Flag Words: Ask the children to stand and place their right hand over their heart to make this pledge. Say:
I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Saviour for whose kingdom it stands; one brotherhood, uniting all mankind in service and in love.
Alternate Version -“I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe. Amen.”
Pledge to the American Flag: We have a lot of military families in our congregation, plus we are a patriotic group. We include the pledge to the American flag out of respect for our country. Many children are familiar with the pledge. Everyone should stand and place the right hand over the heart. International readers should use their own national flag or omit this step.
“I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Amen.”
Lead the pledges at the beginning of the day, before your breakout classes. Besides teaching children to respect the flags and the Bible, these procedures will establish order at your VBS. Have a fun time!
I posted just a few minutes ago and when I read what I had posted, I realized that I had left something out. It should be as follows:
I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag
And to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands
One brotherhood uniting all Christians in service and love.
To bad more people don’t pledge their allegiance to the Christian flag and Bible, the world would be a better place. Thanks for your input. Got the kids in my Sunday School class little Christian Flags for the 4th of July with a print out of the pledge (never seen the “one brotherhood uniting all Christians in service and love” part, but it does sound good.) I’ll keep to the original pledge….
When you pledge to the Bible, What posture do you take, other than standing? Is your hand over your heart, open-face up or down by your side?
I needed this for our VBS . so thankyou for making my task easier. These pledges are important
and easy to remember . thanks again
So… when did the original pledge to the christian flag become the “alternate” and who gave you or anyone the authority to make said changes to the verbage of this time tested pledge?
It’s not an “official pledge” in any sense of the word. Different churches have different versions, by all means stick with what you prefer. For more info you can see the history and how it was first written by a regular pastor.
We hold our hands together in front of us like an open book (hands flat, fingers extended, pinkie side of hands touching like the binding)
We say the pledge to the Bible, the Christian flag and the United States flag every Sunday morning at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Lawrenceburg, TN.
What order do you say the Pledges during a flag ceremony at church or other “religious” event? All the events I remember was the Pledge to the American Flag first,State Flag if applicable (i.e. Texas),Christian Flag,and Pledge to the Bible last.