Worksheet: Learn About God the Father

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Printable "God the Father" Bible Worksheet for Kids
This worksheet focuses on God the Father as one member of the Trinity. Both the characteristics and the actions of God are discussed.

  • Click here to download this free printable in PDF format.

This is part of a new series of worksheets called “Learn About…” which interpret Bible topics on an elementary school level. Bibles and pencils are needed for each worksheet. These are recommended for second grade and up. Each worksheet has two pages, which we recommend printing back to back. This could be used in Sunday School, during another children’s activity, or as a kids’ bulletin during adult church.
Some readers have found our coloring page about the Trinity a helpful way to introduce this concept to children.
We welcome your opinion below and love to hear how our free resources are useful in your ministry.
Don’t miss the other worksheets in this series about Jesus, God’s Son and The Holy Spirit. (coming soon)

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

4 thoughts on “Worksheet: Learn About God the Father”

  1. I love these worksheets. We have a small Sunday School Class of about 6-8 children ranging from 2nd to 6th grade. (I know that seems like a big range, but not enough for 2 classes). But, These worksheets have been a blessing. We have used all the ones from the Divisions of the Bible. Now we are going to start on the Topic ones. The children love these. They have heard all the stories(which are true by the way and very important). Now these put them in perspective. Keep them coming and I will use them. Thank you so very much for using your talents and your time to do this for all the children. God Bless you!!!

  2. I’m just a volunteer and new to teaching older children. While I’ve worked with the toddlers and their lessons are much simpler and easier to do, your lessons and worksheets are great. We’re spending the entire month of March (5wks!) on the Trinity. While we transition to a new children’s director I’ve volunteered to do Sunday school for elementary age kids and really wanted to teach them something instead of just babysitting them for a month. Your Trinity lesson has been the backbone of my entire months plan! I was able to easily use it as an outline and break it up to really dig in to it rather than teach it all in one Sunday. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the smaller believers. They are the future and the only thing worse than no teaching is bad teaching and so far everything I’ve gotten from this site has exceeded expectation on RIGHT teaching! God bless everything you’re doing!

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