Use these crafts when teaching kids about the Ascension of Jesus Christ. They work with any Acts 1:1-11 lesson plan for Sunday School. Download the craft directions, watch our how-to instructions video, and then gather your craft supplies.
Jesus Lifts off to the Sky …but He’ll be Back!
Craft Ideas for the Ascension of Christ
Ascension is an interesting event to celebrate, and can be a fun one to explore with younger children. It might also be slightly confusing, if kids are envisioning a rocket launch into space or a strange helium balloon levitation. Discuss how the disciples might have felt watching Him go. Remind students that Jesus promised to come back someday. Meanwhile, have fun with some cloud-themed crafts, and practice making things “go up,” too!
Bible Verses or Craft Captions to Consider… (Main Text: Luke 24:44-53; Acts 1:1-11)
While he blessed them, he parted from them and was carried up into heaven. 52 And they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, 53 and were continually in the temple blessing God. -Luke 24:51-53
And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, 11 and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.” -Acts 1:10-11
Jesus went up into Heaven…but He will return someday!
Jesus ascends!
Up into the Clouds… Jesus is preparing Heaven for us!
More teaching ideas about the Ascension of Jesus
- See all our uploads related to the Ascension of Jesus
- Watch our playlist of lessons, crafts, and videos about the Ascension
- Print our free Ascension Sunday School lesson
- Watch our children’s sermon about the Ascension
Craft one: “Jesus Ascends” Poster

You will need:
- Construction paper or card stock
- Markers, stickers, or other decorating materials
- Cotton balls
- Glue
- Popsicle stick (optional)
- Glitter (VERY optional)
- Decorate the paper with a sky scene, adding a hill and stick figure “disciples” or “angels,” as desired. Add verses or captions
- Cut a vertical line down the center of the paper, leaving about 1-2 inches on each side.
- Glue cotton balls for clouds at the top of the paper.
- Color and cut a small paper picture of Jesus. Attach to a stick for ease of movement.
- Carefully poke “Jesus” through the paper slit and lift up and down while you teach the story elements.
Craft Two: “Jesus goes up in a Cup!”

Craft Supplies:
- Plastic, paper, or foam cups
- Paper (construction)
- Scissors
- Markers or crayons
- Glue
- Yarn or string
Cotton balls or pom poms.
Procedure How To Directions:
- Draw and/or color a picture of Jesus. Cut it out and set aside.
- Glue cotton ball “clouds” onto the cup. Add stickers and verse captions as desired.
- Carefully poke a hole into the top of the cup.
- Attach “Jesus” to a piece of string or yarn. Slide the string through the hole in the cup and attach a bead or cotton ball as anchor to one end.
- Pull the string to see Jesus “ascend” into the clouds!