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ENDS SOON 🌻 101-Week Curriculum Bundle
Free 🌄 Easter Lessons
FREE 📩 30-minute Lessons
Felicia Mollohan
What Can Kids Learn from Backyard Exploration?
Lesson: Moses and the People of Israel
Moses and the People of Israel (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Homeschooling Bible Study: Learning As We Go
Moses Crossing the Red Sea Lesson (Exodus 13)
Moses and the Exodus (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Moses and the Desert (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Moses and the Desert (Exodus 2) Lesson for Kids
Baby Moses and the River: Preschool Lesson
Baby Moses and the River: Kids Bible Lesson
Moses Songs for Children
The Story of Moses for Kids (Bible Lessons)
Palm Sunday – Kids Sunday School Lesson and Activities
Jesus on Palm Sunday (Preschool Lesson)
Lesson: Joshua and the Wall of Jericho
Joshua and the Walls of Jericho (Preschool Lesson)
The 12 Spies (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Lesson: 12 Spies and 40 Years of Wandering
Building the Tabernacle (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Kids Bible Lesson: Building the Tabernacle
Children's Songs about Families
Joseph and His Brothers – Families (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors (A Children's Church Lesson)
Jacob and Esau's Choices (Children's Church Bible lesson)
Jacob and Esau’s Choices (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Abraham, Sarah and Isaac (Preschool Bible Lesson about Patience)
Abraham, Sarah and Isaac (Children's Bible Lesson About Patience)
God Saves Noah from the Flood (Children's Church Lesson)
God Saves Noah from the Flood (Preschool Bible Lesson)
The 12 Symbols of Christmas (Free Printable) Book for Children
Adam and Eve – The First Sin (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Adam and Eve – The First Sin (Bible Lesson for Children)
Christmas Story Poem (Free Printable) Twas the Night of Jesus' Birth
Christmas Lessons for Children #3 The Wise Men
Preschool Christmas Lesson "The Story of the Wise Men"
Preschool Christmas Lesson "The Story of the Shepherds"
The Birth of Christ #2 – The Shepherds (Children’s Church Lesson)
Candy Cane Poem about Jesus (Free Printable)
Story of Christmas (Printable PDF) Storybook about Jesus Birth
Preschool Christmas Lesson "The Story of the Stable"
The Birth of Christ Part #1 The Stable (Children's Church Lesson)
Preschool Christmas Songs
Creation Review Lesson for Children’s Church
Creation Review (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Free Christmas Plays for Children "The Birth of Jesus"
Creation Days 6 and 7 (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Creation Days 6 and 7 Lesson for Children's Church
Creation Day #5 Children’s Church Lesson
Creation Day Five (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Creation Day Four (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Creation Day #4 Children’s Church Lesson
Creation Day Three (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Creation Day Two (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Creation Bible Story Book for Children
Creation Day One (Preschool Bible Lesson)
Creation Day #3 Children’s Church Lesson
Creation Day #2 Lesson for Children’s Church
Creation Day #1 Lesson for Children’s Church
Creation Songs For Children's Church
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