Baptist Sunday School Lessons

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Baptist Sunday School Lessons based on the Baptist Faith & Message 2001.
Teaching Material based in the Baptist Faith & Message


I’m often asked by readers which denomination our website represents. The answer is actually many. Just over half of the content here was created by me, so it would be from a Southern Baptist perspective. Several of our other writers are Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, or non-denominational Christian.

Each week we publish original lesson plans based on the International Sunday School Lesson – Uniform Series.

That being said, all of our free Sunday School lessons would be acceptable in any Baptist church. After all, I wouldn’t post material on the website that would offend people in my own congregation. There are also some other helpful places to find Baptist Sunday School curriculum online.

Official Baptist Sunday School Curriculum

  • LifeWay is the official publishing operation of the Southern Baptist Convention. So, they would be the first place to check if you’re looking for Southern Baptist Sunday School materials. In my church I’ve used their resources many times and was never disappointed.
  • Regular Baptist Press is another Baptist group that produces curriculum for Sunday School.
  • Children Desiring God and Praise Factory are also produces by Baptist Churches.

Here is another website that has free Sunday School lessons for adults based on the old “Life and Work” series from the Baptist Sunday School Board.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.