Barnabas Bible Study

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Barnabas is a friend to Paul
Barnabas is one of those people in the Bible that isn’t talked about a whole lot. Here is a basic Bible study of his life. Simply look up the Bible verses and discuss with your students what happened in the verses. I have put some information about the verses to be helpful to you as the teacher.
* Acts 4:36-37
Originally Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus
Apostles called him Barnabas – which means Son of Encouragement
He sold a field he owned and brought the money to the apostles
* Acts 9:27
He brought Saul to the apostles
* Acts 11:22-25
Describes him
* Acts 13:1-3
Saul (Paul) & Barnabas sent off to spread the Word
* Acts 13:4-12
Saul, Barnabas & John (Mark), their helper
They went to Cyprus to proclaim the Word of God
Met a sorcerer – who ended up going blind
* Acts 14:1-7
Paul and Barnabas in Iconium
They split the Jewish synagogue – some believed some didn’t
* Acts 14:8-20
Paul and Barnabas in Lystra
The people there thought they were gods…tried to make sacrifices to them
* Acts 14:21-28
Paul and Barnabas make a return trip to encourage the disciples in those cities
“We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God” Acts 14:22b
* Acts 15:1
Argument about the Old Law vs New Law
* Acts 15:36-41
Paul and Barnabas have a disagreement
Barnabas wanted to take John(Mark) with them
Paul didn’t
Barnabas went with John to Cyprus
Paul took Silas to Syria and Cilicia
* 1 Corinthians 9:6
Paul describes Barnabas as a hard worker
Let’s Be Like Barnabas

  1. Give – Acts 4:37
    He gave his land
    Gave his all
  2. Forgive – Acts 8:1-3, 9:26
    Forgave Saul of his past sins
  3. Be Humble – Acts 11:19-26
    Brought Paul in
  4. Be Supportive – Acts 5:37
    Wanted to give Mark a second chance

** Encouragement
“Barnabas Club” – make cards for people in the church and put in their boxes “secretly”


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