Worksheet: Twelve Disciples Coloring Activity

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Bible Puzzle: Twelve Disciples Coloring Activity
Learn the names of the twelve disciples and a few interesting facts about them in this coloring activity.

This is part of a series called Bible Puzzle with a variety of different puzzles. Besides pencils, some need Bibles, crayons, and/or scissors and glue. Some are easier or harder than others.

Jesusโ€™ disciples were twelve men he picked to travel with him and learn from him.
1. Color the twelve disciples and read their names.
2. Peter and Andrew were brothers. Draw a circle around both of them together.
3. James and John were brothers. Draw a circle around both of them together.
4. Peter, John, and Matthew all wrote books of the Bible. Put a check mark next to
each of them.
5. Judas turned against Jesus and betrayed him. Draw a big X to cross out Judas.

  • Peter
  • Andrew
  • James
  • (brother of John)
  • John
  • Philip
  • Bartholomew
  • Thomas
  • Matthew
  • James
  • (son of Alphaeus)
  • Thaddeus
  • Simon
  • Judas

A disciple is someone who learns from Jesus. How can you learn from Jesus?

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