Heaven Children’s Sermon (Revelation 21:1-7) New Heaven and New Earth

Use this “heaven” themed children’s sermon message in your kids church, Sunday School, or children’s ministry moment to share the hope of Heaven from Revelation 21:1-7. Watch our video demonstration below and download the lesson plan notes. Gather your object lesson materials and enjoy teaching this Bible message of hope to the children in your ministry. Children’s Sermon Summary: This message reassures children with the comforting hope of the resurrection. Though life on Earth is full of

Jesus is the Bread from Heaven (John 6:24-35) Sunday School Lesson

Have some bread! In this day of gluten-free, carb friendly diet consciousness, we might lose sight of how essential bread has been historically to life. It is a food staple that sees variations throughout time and culture, but which nourishes and strengthens us physically. Understanding that Jesus is our “bread” reminds us that He provides what we need for spiritual strength and health. We need more than just food to survive in life. We need Jesus! Lesson

Peace, Perseverance, and Heavenly Hope…All in Christ

  “That’s not fair!” This is a common refrain heard by anyone who works with children…kids want things to be just and are quick to let us know when they think they’ve been dealt otherwise. But it is important to communicate that in some cases, we don’t want absolute fairness…this lesson reminds kids that Christ is the One who we can look to for hope and life. Lesson focus: Even though we do not deserve it, God

Rise Up…with Heavenly Strength!

  Who hasn’t at one point or another dreamed of flying? Not just going up in a plane or para-sailing, but mounting up with wings and soaring on the air like a bird…surely it would be a marvelous experience, as we try to replicate it through sports and machines, and often describe euphoric feelings in terms of flight. These emotions come to mind when we read the end of Isaiah 40, as we imagine mounting with wings

“Our Heavenly Father Cares for Us” Object Lesson Message for Father’s Day

Use this object lesson on Father’s Day to remind kids of how their Heavenly Father cares for them. This children’s sermon can be used with various Bible passages suggested below on the topic of the Fatherhood of God. Print the message notes below, watch our example video, and gather your supplies. Children’s Sermon Object Lesson Honoring our Heavenly Father on Dad’s Day Main Objective: God cares for all people, and promises to provide for us and take

Lesson: The Ascension – Jesus Goes Back Up to Heaven

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to tell students about how Jesus went back up to Heaven and what will happen when He returns Needed: Bibles, various objects, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: What’s Missing?  Have students close their eyes. While their eyes are closed, take something from the room and put it outside the door where the students can’t see it. Tell the students to open their eyes and guess what you took.

Lesson: God Wants Everyone to Go to Heaven – Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about God’s passion and grace. Needed: Bibles, boxes or paper bags, cookies or other small prizes, coins, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Promises, Promises Set a cookie or small prize in individual paper bags or under individual boxes. In this game show type activity, call one student contestant forward. They are the Prize Giver for the round. That student (the Prize Giver) can then choose

Lesson: Jesus Helps Us from Heaven

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to show kids that they can pray to Jesus even though He’s not physically near. Needed: Bibles, Faith vs. Doubt cards, telephone, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils, “Faith” slips of paper Intro Game: Faith vs. Doubt  Print out or write the words Doubt or Faith on a set of index cards. You should have an equal number of cards that say Faith as Doubt. Divide students into two teams, and

Lesson: Elijah Taken to Heaven

Use this Elijah and Elisha children’s Sunday School lesson to teach children about how we can serve God best in this life and how we’re looking forward to going to Heaven one day. Needed: Bibles, blanket or sheet or beach towel, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils, various objects to hide Intro Game: Up and Down Give students blankets, sheets, or beach towels to hold between them. You can break the students into teams or have

Lesson: Treasure in Heaven

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids what really matters. Needed: Bibles, a six-sided die, a worn-out piece of clothing, something rusty, something broken, Treasures in Heaven Relay cards, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Where are Your Treasures?  Students take turns rolling a die, or you can give them all a die and let them roll simultaneously. Each student will roll 10 times, earning or losing points based on the following die

Children's Sermon (Don't Worry – Treasure in Heaven) Luke 12:22-34

“Do Not Worry – Keep Your Treasures in Haven” Children’s Sermon on Luke 12:22-34) Children’s Message: Choose your Treasures Wisely – Seeking God’s Kingdom First Main Objective: Following up on the idea of placing priority in God first, this lesson seeks to remind students that God wants us to love Him above all things. Sometimes we worry, or have a tough time separating ourselves from our things. We look around and want what we do not have.

Citizens of Heaven (Luke 10:1-11; 16-20) Children's Sermon for July 4th

Children’s Sermon on Luke 10:1-11; 16-20. Being and Making Citizens of Heaven – Everyone is proud of their nation and it’s birthday, this lesson reminds kids they are also citizens of Heaven because they follow Jesus. This object lesson message is perfect for teaching on the Fourth of July weekend or any other patriotic occasion. Main Objective: National pride can be a popular and much celebrated thing, especially nearing Independence Day or surrounding big sporting events. For

Hope in a Heavenly Father (Kids Bible Lesson) for Father's Day

Type “father” into a Bible search engine and likely over a thousand verse references will pop up. Fatherhood is a key topic in both Old and New Testaments, as seen through genealogies, patriarchs, and character examples. Children might have different ideas of what a dad should be like, and unfortunately not all earthly fathers are present or set a Godly example. This lesson looks at a few elements of Biblical fathers and celebrates the comfort we can

New Heaven & New Earth (Revelation 21:1-7) Sunday School Lesson

Heaven can be a tricky topic to teach. In fact, it can be hard for adults to understand the themes of Revelation or to grasp what awaits us after life on earth has passed away. To be sure, we cannot know with certainty what will happen as our earthly bodies slip away, but the main message of eschatology should be one of hope. We can know that what God has in store for us is bigger and

Devotion: A Different Kind of Price Tag – Working to gain Heavenly treasure…

What’s in it for me? This is a refrain often repeated and wondered in our modern culture. As Christian workers, we know that our reward may not be measurable here on earth. However, in the practicality of daily living and in the simple state of being human, we also tend to be concerned with receiving proper credit and compensation for the things that we do. Will people know whose hand designed the T-shirt graphic or drew the

"Bread from Heaven" Sunday School Lesson from John 6:24-35

This free Bible lesson is based on John 6:24-35 when Jesus shares with His followers about the true bread of life. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – 10th Sunday after Pentecost, Gospel Reading – John 6:24-35. Opening Activity – Bread from Heaven –  Gathering Manna Supplies – cotton balls Explain to the children

"Heaven is Awesome" Bible Lesson for Kids (Revelation 21)

Through this lesson children will learn that Heaven is a wonderful place and Jesus’ home.  They will learn about what is in Heaven and be encouraged to live a life that will lead to going to Heaven with Jesus. Lesson Title:   Heaven is Awesome Bible Reference: John 14:2-3; Acts 7:56; Revelations 21:3-27 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: 1 hour Learning Aim:  Heaven is awesome. Prepare It Before Class: Prepare a large

Lesson: Heavenly Treasures…Winning in God’s Eyes (Matthew 20:1-16)

In our culture, winning is highly prized and success is measured by performance. Again and again, though, the Bible gives quite different definitions of victory and achievement. Remind students in this lesson that our triumph is in Christ alone. Lesson focus: Though we can become competitive and weigh our success on what others do, the Bible emphasizes that the grace of God is the only thing worth bragging rights. Passage: Various New Testament references, most notably Matthew

Not of this World… Bible Lesson about Heaven for Children

This lesson emphasizes placing our hope and peace in what is far beyond ourselves…God has put a sense of “eternity in our hearts,” yet we often drown that out with our busy-ness and noise. Using inspiration from books and stories, children will be stirred to recall that they are made for more than just earthly delight. Note: This lesson can be expanded into a series or collection following stories and parables, if desired. Also, see addendum for

Object Lessons About the Kingdom of Heaven

Teaching kids about the kingdom of heaven? Present object lessons based on this passage from Matthew 13:44-46. The simplicity of Jesus’ parables will make it easy for kids to understand and apply to their own lives. “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is

Treasures in Heaven Object Lesson

  How I love the book of Matthew! This book of the Bible has so many wonderful nuggets of truth right from the Master’s lips. Take for instance the parable about treasures in heaven from Matthew 6:19-21. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where you treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Setting Up the Treasures in Heaven

Lord's Prayer Lesson #3 – Our Father in Heaven

This free Bible lesson is part 3 of 10 in our Lord’s Prayer study. Children will learn that God listens carefully to their prayers because he loves them like a perfect father. For more lessons in this series, click here. We love to hear reader ideas and tips to improve these materials, simply leave a comment below. Main idea: Since we are children of God, we can talk to God like we talk to our Daddy: anytime,

Heaven Mobile Craft Project

This heaven mobile craft reminds children that heaven is a beautiful place. It can also prevent misconceptions about heaven by promoting conversation about what the Bible teaches. Heaven Craft for Sunday School Each mobile piece features a letter of the word “HEAVEN” on one side and a phrase describing heaven on the other side: Happy (everyone in heaven is happy) Eternal Life (we will live there forever) Angels (angels will be in heaven with us) Very Beautiful

Psalm 19:1 Coloring Page: Heavens Declare God's Glory

Download this free printable coloring sheet based on Psalm 19:1. It would be a perfect companion to any Bible lesson on this text our about God’s glory in creation. We recommend Bethany’s lesson plan on Psalm 19 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.(Psalm 19:1 ESV) Click on the preview image above for a printable PDF document, you can also download a higher resolution JPEG image for advanced editing. If