Great Commission Craft Ideas

Craft Three: “GO Make Disciples Signal”

Use these crafts when teaching kids about the Great Commission that Jesus commanded his disciples before his ascension. They work with any Matthew 28:16-20 lesson plan for Sunday School. Download the craft directions, watch our how-to instructions video, and then gather your craft supplies. “Go Make Disciples” Craft Ideas based on the Great Commission The Great Commission is something we … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson (John 1:29-42) Go Make Disciples

Sunday School Lesson on sharing about Jesus

This Sunday School lesson will teach kids the importance of sharing about Jesus with others. It’s based on John 1:29-42, where John’s disciples become disciples of Jesus. Print the lesson plan below. We’ve included crafts, coloring pages, games, worksheets, and a children’s message. “Go Make Disciples” Sunday School Lesson John 1:29-42 – Sharing Jesus with Others Students are likely familiar … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"The Great Commission" Bible Lesson

The Great Commission is important because it serves as a guide for Christians who do not know what to do with their lives. As Jesus is ascending into Heaven he reminds his disciples that they must be His witness in all the earth. They must spread the good news of Jesus’ resurrection and offer of salvation to everyone who will … More Children’s Ministry Resources