Browse the images below to find the best free printable Christmas coloring pages for your kids. Every picture below is available as JPEG and easy print PDF formats. You kids will love decorating the house leading with these cute holiday coloring page activities. Our website had hundreds of 100% free activities for kids. Here are a few of the most popular for the holiday season.
The following images are included in the download, be sure to scroll down to see our larger download packs including 50+ more Christmas & Advent coloring sheets.

Free Printable Christmas Coloring Pages for Kids
24 Page Advent Coloring Book
*12/5/19 corrected the files to fix the blank pages bug on iPhone & iPad.

Countdown to Christmas Coloring Pages for Kids
Christmas Coloring Pages for Preschoolers

Printable Christmas Tree for Coloring

Merry Christmas Coloring Pages

Jesus Nativity Coloring Page

Christmas Manger Printables

Advent Calendar Coloring Book
Download this entire 24 page Advent calendar coloring book that counts down to Christmas day.
*12/5/19 corrected the files to fix the blank pages bug on iPhone & iPad.

Themes of Advent Coloring Book

Adult Coloring Pages for Christmas
We are working to bring more Christmas coloring pages for adults, but since we’re a children’s ministry website that is slow coming. Most readers feel like our pages are complex enough to keep grown-ups engaged in simple arts and crafts time. Please leave a comment with your feedback.
December Calendar for Coloring

Santa Says Follow Jesus Coloring Cartoon

Printable Cards for Christmas

Bonus Christmas Coloring Pages: We cound’t list them all here on one page. So follow these links to get more activity sheets to print.
- Winter Coloring Page
- Nativity Christmas Coloring Page – Jesus is HERE
- Baby Jesus is the Savior Printable
- Angles Sing Over Bethlehem PDF
- Shepherds in the Fields Christmas coloring page
- Candy Cane Poem about Jesus
As always, we hope you enjoy our free resources. We know there are thousands of other websites that offer free Christmas coloring pages. We hope that you will take a moment to share our site on Facebook or Pinterest You can also leave a reply below to tell us how the final printed coloring pages looked. It helps more people discover our materials and is an encouragement to our continued work.
Thank you for your designs. I really love them.
The colouring pages make christmas teaching easier for me to teach the children God bless you all
Thank you for these coloring pages! Since Covid has kept many of our children at home, I have been able to keep in touch with them by mailing your seasonal coloring pages each month! Bless you!
Thank you so much for all these Christmas coloring pages! My grandchildren that I homeschool and I love Mandy Groce! She is an amazing, talented, inspired by God artist! We pray for the blessing of God on you, Mandy, and please continue in your wonderful ministry to children! Thanks to everyone at for all the excellent resources you provide! Love and prayers to all of you! From Linda Harris, and my students, Emma and Theodore Nyseth
Thank you for the free resources! They are a blessing to our ministry, and I am very grateful for all of the work each of the designers has put into the pictures.