Crafts on Elijah and God’s Whisper ⛰️(1 Kings 19:1-15) Bible Activities for Kids

Use these craft activities ideas when teaching the story of Elijah in your kids church or Sunday School. Download the directions below, watch our video demonstration, and gather your craft supplies as you prepare to teach. Earthquake, Wind, Fire, and Whisper… Elijah Hears God’s Whisper on the Mountain – Bible Craft Activities from 1 Kings 19:1-15 on Listening to God How do we hear from God? How do we know He is near? Sometimes we wish that

Elijah Coloring Page

Use this coloring page when teaching about Elijah, the prophet featured prominently the book of Kings. His ministry was during a dark time in Israel’s history and he often was the messenger of God’s judgement. This is another illustration in our Bible Heroes Coloring Book. This line art illustration shows Elijah with hands raised in prayer. Visual elements of a raven, fire, water, and oil jars will remind kids of the main miracles in Elijah’s story. Download the

Wise Up! Children’s Sermon: 1 Kings 3:3-14; Ephesians 5:15-21

This message aims to describe for children what wisdom means and where it comes from. Young people might think of wisdom as mere knowledge or “head smarts”, but true wisdom comes from the heart. Wisdom is something that we should desire because God wants us to have it and practice using it. The message uses practical objects and misconceptions to elaborate on what wisdom is. Law/Gospel Theme: God wants us to act as wise and not foolish

Seek Wisdom – Bible Craft Ideas: 1 Kings 3:3-14; Ephesians 5:15-21

What is wisdom? How do we get it and use it, and why is it important? Youngsters might imagine wisdom to be synonymous with intelligence, but it is helpful to explain that wisdom comes from the Lord, and that it involves decisions and discernment. These crafts highlight those principles. A “Decision Bag” allows children to create a re-usable tool for making choices. A “Treasure Box” reminds kids that wisdom is a true treasure. And an owl puppet

Wise Up! Sunday School Lesson: 1 Kings 3:3-14; Eph. 5:15-21

What is wisdom? How do we know what choices are best? Can we make ourselves wise? Young students may or may not have encountered such considerations in their lives, but they are worth discussion. Kids should understand what wisdom is and where it comes from. They can learn the importance of discernment, even at an early age. The story of King Solomon is a great opportunity to contemplate wisdom and recognize that it is a treasure from

God is Wise (1 Kings 3) Lesson #40 in What is God Like?

God is Wise (1 Kings 3) Lesson #40 in What is God Like? AGE GROUP: elementary (ages 6-11)TIME REQUIRED: 45 minutes This is lesson 40 of 42 in our study on the Attributes of God called “Can you tell me what God is like?” Visit the series index to view all the lessons and get more ideas for using this curriculum in your children’s ministry. LESSON 40: GOD IS WISE SUPPLIES NEEDED: Bibles, previous attribute of God posters,

God is Merciful (1 Kings 18) Lesson #23 in What is God Like?

AGE GROUP: elementary (ages 6-11)TIME REQUIRED: 45 minutes This is lesson 23 of 42 in our study on the Attributes of God called “Can you tell me what God is like?” Visit the series index to view all the lessons and get more ideas for using this curriculum in your children’s ministry. LESSON 23: GOD IS MERCIFUL SUPPLIES NEEDED: Bibles, previous attribute of God posters, a large piece of paper with the words God is Merciful written on it,

Preschool Bible Lesson: Elijah Challenges the Prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:16-40)

Lesson Title: Elijah Challenges the Prophets of BaalBible Reference: 1 Kings 18:16-40Target Age Group: PreschoolLearning Context: Children’s ChurchTarget Time Frame: 1 ½ hourOptional Coloring Page: The story of the Prophet ElijahGospel Connection: As you read through the Old Testament you will see the Israelites turn from God and then go back to Him over and over again. The story of Elijah vs. the Prophets of Baal is one example of this happening. Whenever the prophets of Baal

Elijah Encounters God (1 Kings 19) Sunday School Lesson

How do we know what God is like? Can we know without seeing Him what His traits are? Why don’t we hear His voice loud and clear? In this story, Elijah has an opportunity to feel the full presence of God and be refreshed by His spirit. As Christians, it can be frustrating to feel as though God is far from us or doesn’t answer things as we’d imagine, but in wonderful moments He comes to us.

Bible Lesson: Solomon Builds Temple and Prays (1 Kings 8:1-13)

This lesson is an adaptation from the Gospel Project lesson on this Scripture passage.  When the temple was complete Solomon praised God before His people reminding them of His promises.  From the study of Solomon’s prayer after the completion of the temple, the students will discover that God keeps all His promises.  This lesson was prepared for older elementary students and can be adapted for your ministry’s needs. Bible Passage: 1 Kings 6-8Bible Story Title: Solomon Builds Temple and

"1 Kings" Bible Coloring Page

We created this free printable as a tool to help children learn about the second book of Samuel. You can also search our website and find lesson plans another ideas related to the story of Solomon and King David. We are in the early stages of creating a coloring sheet for each book in the Bible. The project is just beginning and may take most of 2013 before they are posted online. Click on the image to download a print-friendly

Sunday School Lesson (1 Kings 17:1-24) God Provides for Elijah

Use this free Bible study in your children’s Sunday School or Kids Church. It recounts the story of God’s care for Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17. We welcome your feedback and suggestions to improve this lesson plan, simply leave a comment at the bottom of this page. The download below includes bonus coloring pages and activity sheets. Lesson Title: God Provides for ElijahBible Reference: 1 Kings 17:1-24Target Age Group: Preschool to Early ElementaryLearning