St Patrick’s Object Lesson – Trusting God in Times of Doubt

Kids need to know that God is in control – this children’s message object lesson makes that point with a fun reference to St. Patrick’s Day. Download the message script below and watch the demonstration video to help you prepare. “Trusting God in Times of Doubt” Children’s Sermon Object Lesson from John 4:5-42 Main Objective: This message is a reminder that God is in control, no matter what else might happen. We are not subject to the

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Coloring Page

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday with the strongest Christian roots. It’s the celebration of Patrick of Ireland, a missionary in the 4th century who shared the message of Jesus. His story is inspiring but often overshadowed by the cultural trappings of March 17th. This coloring page would be a perfect companion to telling the real story of Patrick. In her artwork, Mandy shows a teenage boy looking across water toward home. The illustration includes a simple

Children’s Sermon: Saint Patrick Loves His Enemies

Use this Saint Patrick’s children’s sermon to teach kids to do good to those who wrong them. Scripture: Luke 6:27-28 Needed: picture of a leprechaun Children’s Sermon Ask students, Who can tell me what holiday it is today? (St. Patrick’s Day!) Can anyone tell me anything about St. Patrick? (Show your picture of a leprechaun.) St. Patrick was a very short man who lived at the end of the rainbow, and if you found him, you could

St. Patrick's Day Children's Sermon (Luke 13:34-35) on Sharing Jesus

Children’s Message: Jesus, St. Patrick, and God’s Presence Everywhere Bible Reference: Luke 13:34-35, Joel 3:16, Jeremiah 14:8 Main Objective: This specific Gospel lesson is slightly challenging, as Jesus is lamenting the abandonment and actions of Jerusalem, and being warned of His own persecution. However, it can be tied in with the season through a brief discussion of Saint Patrick. Saint Patrick was taken out of his home, and returned only to leave again. However, he realized that

God’s Promises (Jeremiah 31) Lesson for St. Patrick's Day

Bible Focus: God offers us His comfort and presence, making and keeping promises throughout history! This lesson provides a twist on traditional St. Patrick’s Day emphasis by looking at the event’s founder relative to Biblical prophets. Patrick followed God’s lead and spread the word of the Gospel, just like Old (and New) Testament heroes followed God’s direction. Target Age Group: Pre-K-Sixth Grade (adaptable) Student application: We celebrate people in the Bible who have done great things at

Exciting St. Patrick's Day Promotions for Kids Ministry

Need some promotion ideas for March? Boost your attendance and create some excitement with these St. Patrick’s Day promotions for kids’ ministry. Send home quarter-page flyers home each week to encourage the child’s attendance for the following week. Pop full-page flyers in the mail to kids who don’t attend regularly. Distribute flyers in your community and build your kids church with seasonal promotions like these for St. Patrick’s Day. I’ll admit most of these aren’t very spiritual

St. Patrick's Day Games for Kids Ministry

You’ve got excited kids headed your way–are you ready for some St. Patrick’s Day fun? Implement some of these activities and keep your little ones busy during gaps in your schedule. I have found that it never hurts to have Plan A along with some fillers from Plan B. Sticking to the seasonal aspect, I have created activities that I think will interest kids and keep them in the green theme. Racing to Ireland For this game,

Lucky or Blessed? Teaching Tips for St. Patrick's Day

“Am I lucky?” That’s a question you may hear this St. Patrick’s Day from a wide-eyed child in your children’s ministry. In the community and on television, there will be lots of talk about leprechauns, finding a four-leaf clover or even a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. The idea of a sudden change in fortune or receiving a windfall of wealth is an attractive idea to people of all ages–including kids. I’m sure

"Green" Bible Object Lessons for St. Patrick's Day

Every March people around the world, (even the non-Irish) celebrate the life and ministry of St. Patrick with the color green. Like the green countryside of the mother land, Irish fans proudly wear their green ensembles. Why not take advantage of this color’s seasonal popularity by using green for a few object lessons. You can find most of the items you need right in your pantry or grocery store. Here are a few ideas to get you

St. Patrick's Day Coloring Pages PDF (Religious)

Don’t miss the 17-page St. Patrick’s Day coloring download from the Sunday School Store. St. Patrick’s Day is actually a religious holiday, so let’s make sure kids hear about Jesus. This coloring page is designed to help you talk about the Trinity. God is 3-in-1 like the shamrock is 3-in-1. We’ve included the following Bible verse: If you need to change to a different verse, download the WORD DOC version for easy editing. May the grace of

St. Patrick: Hero of Christian History

The True Tale of Patrick Much myth and legend surrounds the story of Patrick, born in Britain in the late 4th century. St. Patrick is often reduced to a mythical figure who performed magical feats (like driving all the snakes out of Ireland). The truth, as usual, is better than fiction! All that can be known about Patrick comes from two documents written by him, one of which is “The Confession,” his short autobiographical account. In it, Patrick

St. Patrick’s Day Ideas for Kids Ministry

This holiday is more than candy and the color green! Let’s ensure kids hear that Jesus saved Patrick and sent him back to share God’s love with his enemies! Enjoy our most popular St. Patrick’s Day activities for children’s ministry. 3-in-1 Shamrock Coloring Page Children’s Sermon for St. Patrick’s Day Lesson on God’s Plan (Jer. 31) Veggie Tales Story of St. Patrick More Ideas for St. Patrick’s Day 1. Watch The St. Patrick’s Day VideoCheck out the

The Veggie Tales History of St. Patrick's Day

This year let’s make sure kids learn how God saved and then send Patrick back to love his enemies. This is a great holiday to talk about sharing the Gospel. I’ve included kids discussion questions below. Discuss the Story of Patrick This clip originally appeared on their DVD titled “The Sumo of the Opera.” The clip is also available on the new DVD “Lessons from the Sock Drawer” from Big Idea. It does a great job of