8 Kids Activities Using Plastic Tablecloths

Plastic tablecloths are the most unappreciated tool in ministry. Every week, hundreds (if not thousands) of these handy items hit the shopping carts of busy children’s pastors, destined for a brief life in a Sunday School or classroom. This is something easy for any Vacation Bible School crew. What would we do without them? They’re cheap, easy to toss and easy … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Horton Has a Heart…Lessons from Literature

“A person’s a person, no matter how small…” God made them all, the tiny and tall! There is no reason why Sunday School adventures cannot incorporate other classic children’s stories as well as Bible verses.  This lesson explores some admirable qualities of a beloved Dr. Seuss character, celebrating Biblical values with whimsical rhyme. Seuss’s works are often more than just … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Easter Miracles" Sunday School Lesson from John 20:1-18

Download this free coloring sheet about Easter

This free Bible lesson is based on John 20:1-18 when Mary Magdalene visits the tomb and Jesus rose from the dead. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – Easter Sunday, Gospel Reading – John 20:1-18. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Talking to Kids About Monsters (Fear Versus Faith)

Popular culture can’t seem to get enough of monsters. From television shows about finding Bigfoot to creature features, our world is permeated with images of monsters. Kids sure don’t need these visual aids to believe in the “boogeyman,” their imaginations make it easy to believe something is under the bed or in the closet. (Incidentally, as a child I believed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Great Ways to Greet Kids in Children’s Church

Think a good greeting program isn’t necessary for children’s church? Think again! When we don’t greet kids as they come in, we miss making a valuable connection for two reasons. First, the greeting is where you establish discipline. That’s so important to do right at the beginning of each session. Kids need to know someone is in charge. Second, we … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Hug a Children's Pastor

Children’s pastors will never tell you this but they love a good hug. Hugs say “I appreciate you,” and “Whatever you’re going through, I care.” A good hug can even say, “I’ve got your back!” However, there are actually many ways to give a children’s pastor a hug. Some don’t involve physical body contact. Ready to show some love to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Ministry Challenge: The Drop Off Kids

Have you noticed this trend? Parents or grandparents drop off kids (sometimes way before service time) and then take off until church is over. They aren’t actually attending church themselves–just the children. Understand me, I’m not talking about the parent who has to go to work. I am referring to the disturbing new kids’ ministry challenge–the drop off kids. If … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Calendar Object Lesson: New Year’s Activity

January Calendar Coloring Page

Since no one knows the future, who can tell someone else what is to come? That’s from the Bible—Ecclesiastes 8:7! What a great time to share an object lesson pertaining to God’s control of the future! All you need are a few calendars to illustrate how God is in control—one from the passing year and one for the next. Place … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year's Game: Confetti Balloons

If you ask kids what their favorite holiday is, New Year’s isn’t likely to make the top three but that’s no reason to skip over the world’s most popular “do over.” In the secular world, the “new year” is a time stamp that initiates a life change but like every day with Jesus, it is time to do better, to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year's Time Capsule for Kids' Church

Is your church holding a New Year’s eve event? If you answered yes, you have been challenged to provide some of the activities for the kiddos while parents wait for the clock to move. Been there–done that! Even if you aren’t facing the challenge of entertaining kids for a long period of time, you might find this kids’ church idea … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Learning the Books of the Bible

Right now, I am teaching my kindergartener to memorize the books of the Bible. Before we began, I wasn’t too sure if he would be able to do it, but I thought that I would give it a try. I have been pleasantly surprised! He is doing very well with it all and really seems to like learning such a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Gospel Games for Fall Fun

Kids Game idea for Fall Festivals

With Halloween fast approaching, many churches and schools have their own take on how to celebrate (or avoid) the holiday. There are “harvest celebrations,” “Trunk-or-treats,” “Hallelujah instead…” Since we have been blessed with a spirit of joyous love, and not fear, it is only right that we allow celebration and fun at this time of year, but with a faithful … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Kids to Know Jesus More

When I first began my work in children’s ministry nearly two decades ago, I had one mission: tell kids that Jesus loved them. Over the years, I have tried my best to stay true to that original mission but my secondary purpose is to help my kids know Jesus more. You see, eventually, they will need to know God themselves … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Object Lessons for New School Year (2019)

It’s back to school time! Time for kids to hunker down and learn–and not just at school but in bible class too. What a great time to present kids some important bible principles and lessons! Break out these object lessons for back to school and get kids excited about returning to the classroom. All you need are a few visual … More Children’s Ministry Resources