Here is another craft idea from Cullen’s Abc’s. Watch the video below for her full instructions for making an Easter basket with your children. You will need white paper sacks (lunch bag size), decorative scissors, colored construction paper, and stickers or markers for decorating. For a more advanced option you can use paint and cookie cutters for stencils.
I would recommend adding some scripture quotes about Easter to the bag, especially if your using this craft at church. “He is not here, He is risen!” Luke 24:6. This would be a great Easter Sunday School craft leading up to an egg hunt at church.

You can also watch this Easter craft video directly on YouTube. Be sure to check out the rest of Cullen’s Easter Craft & Song Ideas.
Need More Ideas? Browse our full list of Easter ideas for children’s ministry. You can also find a “He is Alive” lesson from our friends at Sojourn Kids.