Returning to school excites some kids and makes others apprehensive, understandably. (Parents feel the same way.) Back to school time is an excellent opportunity for the church to equip kids with a tool that they can use all year long, prayer. Since parents and kids are busy shuttling around for those last minute school supplies, it is important to make this prayer night or event convenient for everyone. Host a back to school prayer night and get kids covered in prayer from day one. Use these ideas to create an engaging, powerful kids’ ministry event.
Church Service Ideas for “Back to School Sunday”
1. Invite local teachers to come.
Devote a little portion of your service to teacher appreciation. It’s always a good idea to build relationships with the people who minister to your kids five days a week. Besides teachers, invite bus drivers, principals and cafeteria workers. If even a few show up, you’ll have a memorable event.
2. Fill backpacks or goodies bags with some school supplies.
Even inexpensive packs of pencils, erasers and paper would be welcome. Another great idea is to fulfill teacher’s wish lists. We asked our church and school teachers what they need for their classes and made their wishes come true. It was a good way to show support for the teachers and offer encouragement.
3. Offer a back to school blessing.
After a brief lesson on what a blessing is, offer kids a blessing prayer. Gather kids together and speak a blessing over them. Bless the teachers, parents and staff too. This is a perfect time to teach our Back to School Object Lesson using school supplies.
4. Host a back to school prayer breakfast.
A hot pancake breakfast makes the perfect venue for a back to school party with kids and parents. During the breakfast, ask a special speaker to present a word of encouragement for kids.
5. Do a clean slate demonstration.
Draw lots of sad faces and bad grades on the chalkboard. When the kids are gathered together explain to that kids this board represents last year. Erase the board completely, tell kids, “This is this year!” It’s a clean slate, a chance to start over and do the best you can!”
Mark a new school year with hope by hosting back to school event for your children’s ministry!
6. Back To School Coloring “Contest”
Why note have a little competition in your Family Ministry or Sunday School department. Print our free coloring sheets and then put the finished works together on a bulletin board. You can call it a “contest” but give everyone who finished the picture a gift bag for going back to school. If you have a larger group – print off the Bible ABC coloring pages and have each child complete their favorite letters. This makes an awesome display in the children’s department at church.
7. Host a Prayer Marathon
Use a simple sign-up sheet to organize a day long prayer room at the church. Parents and other church adults can rotate to cover all the children in prayer as they begin the first day of school. You can provide a list of the kids (with pictures) for each shift of prayer warriors. Make sure the kids know they have spiritual backup – send a note home saying they have minute-by-minute prayer coverage for the first day of school.
What is your church doing to mark kids going back to school in 2019?
We love to hear your event ideas too. What special events are you planning in the church service? Do you have a creative twist on the ideas we share. Leave a comment to help other readers too!
Thanks a lot for your ideas, Back to School has been a wonderful way of reaching out to Children in our Church Environment. Our Theme this year is ‘New School Year, New Help’