Sponsor a Child Reviews – The Best Child Sponsorship Programs for 2022

We reviewed all the top child sponsorship organizations – Here are the best options for 2022. Millions of Christians participate in monthly support programs for kids called “child sponsorship.” There are many excellent and trustworthy organizations that facilitate this types of programs. This page will answer some frequent questions about child sponsorship and off our suggestions for programs that deserve your support. Ministry-To-Children is an online only ministry – we do not accept donations or have personal

New Year's Resolutions for Kids

Kid’s like resolutions too! These New Year’s Resolutions will help children focus on their relationship to Jesus. Print these resolution to share with your Sunday School. Kids’ Resolutions for the New Year – To follow Jesus! The new year is approaching and this is usually the time when we make New Year’s resolutions. Losing weight, exercising, staying organizing, waking up early, etc. are the usual resolutions that people make (and break). What about our kids? Why don’t

"Adam to Noah Timeline" for Sunday School

How many times have you been reading through the Bible and completely skipped over Genesis 5, where the descendants of Adam are listed? I’m sure if you’re anything like me, it’s quite a few. For some reason, I just didn’t think it was all that important. Then I was reading through it with my son and it occurred to me, “I wonder if any of these guys knew each other?” So I thought about making a timeline

7 Back To School Ideas for Church Events (for 2019)

Returning to school excites some kids and makes others apprehensive, understandably. (Parents feel the same way.) Back to school time is an excellent opportunity for the church to equip kids with a tool that they can use all year long, prayer. Since parents and kids are busy shuttling around for those last minute school supplies, it is important to make this prayer night or event convenient for everyone. Host a back to school prayer night and get

Sunday School Activities

Once the pictures are drawn and the lesson is over, the children of your ministry will be looking for something to do. Keep busy hands out of mischief by having activities for Sunday School read-to-go whenever you need them. Activities for children don’t have to be expensive, but they should engage the young learner’s senses. These Sunday School activities for children can be “tweaked” for special holiday lessons or theme ideas. Guess the Beans Fill a clear

Paper Plates Bible Puzzle Game for Kids

This game idea also works for a Bible memory verse activity. Select a scripture memory verse and write each word on a single paper plate. For my example I am using Matthew 22:29 “You shall love your neighbors as yourself.” Discover the Verse Before introducing the verse, let the kids discover it on their own. Pass out single plates to children in the group and ask them to come up to the front of the classroom. Make

Bible Verse Puzzle Games with Craft Sticks

I am always looking for a variety of hands-on activities to help kids learn Bible memory verses. Here is a recent activity we tried in kids church using wooden crafts sticks to memorize Matthew 22:39. Preparation: Write one word on each craft stick for your Bible verse before class. I made three sets so that all the kids could participate in the activities. See photo above for example. On actives with extra sticks I asked older children to use more

Bible Memory Verse Puzzle: Team Learning Activity

Here is another creative way for groups of children to work together on learning their Bible memory verse. This hands-on activity includes elements of teamwork and problem solving. I’ve included pictures below to demonstrate the activity. I’d love to hear your feedback, simply click here to leave a comment. Supplies: Several copies of the memory verse printed on white paper with a large font. Here is a sample formatted as a word doc. Then each line should

Sketching Bible Memory Verses

Here is a fun learning activity that will promote understanding of Bible memory verses. One of weak points of route Bible memory is a lack of comprehension. This sketch process will force them (and you) to transfer concepts into symbols, a key skill in learning. Supplies: Dry erase maker and board. Alternatively you can use poster board, giant Post-It notes, or sidewalk chalk. Target Age: I’ve used Bible verse learning activity with K4 through adults. It’s actually

Attributes of God Flip-Book Activity

Here is a simple activity to help kids learn about the attributes and character of God. The tendency for many children’s ministry programs is to focus the majority of our lessons upon Bible stories with their corresponding characters and the how-to’s of righteous living.  Not only do we want our children to know about the Bible and its instructions for us on how to live, but we also want our children to know God. We want them

4 Tips for Turning Supervised Playtime into Ministry

Children love to play. Although much of their time in my church setting is structured for active worship and learning in small and large group contexts, we do allow a component of supervised play as time permits. I do not view this as a necessary evil to accommodate services which run long or parents who are late to pick up their children after service. Rather, we often schedule such playtime into the heart of the session’s activities

Olympic Themed Games for Children’s Ministry

Adopting an Olympic theme into your children’s ministry is a good way to encourage a spirit of excellence amongst your attendees and volunteers. An Olympic theme is the perfect backdrop for exciting kids’ games that everyone will enjoy. Get your curriculum ready, decorate your children’s facility and use these wacky Olympic-sized games. Bible Baton Relay Before you play this game, you will need to make ’batons’. Recycle potato chip canisters to use as batons. You will need

High Energy Game Idea for Children's Ministry or VBS

Do you need a large group game for your children’s ministry? Then watch this video as I explain the game we call “North – South – Central.” It has been one of the most popular with the kids at our church and it is really simple to play. This game would also be a handy idea to use for a Vacation Bible School recreation game. You need a large area with three lines, a basketball court or

Kids Ministry Game: Captain Midnight

Here is another “backpocket” game that you can play if you have a large group of kids and a large area where they can run.  This can be a game that you can play to fill up time at an Easter Egg Hunt, Backyard Bible Club, or whatever the situation. Like Quiet Ball and Silent Football, the point of a “backpocket” game is that it is a game that you can figuratively pull out of your backpocket

5 Creative Sunday School Activities Using Post-It Notes

I think we’ve all been there.  We’re finished with our prepared lesson and there is still a LOT of time remaining.  There are also a LOT of children staring up at you, anxiously awaiting their next activity. Next time you’re caught with too much free time, here are some fun and easy activities to do with the students.  Just make sure you have some Post-Its on hand. 1.   Post-It your Pastor’s car: Have the students write short,

"Silent Football" Game for Kids

Here is another great “backpocket” game to play with kids when you need them to settle down and/or kill time. The game is called Silent Football. Many of you have perhaps heard of this game. Here is how it works: – Have the kids sit in a tight circle – Explain that the point of the game is to pass around an invisible football. – The way you pass the ball is to slap your leg with

AWANA Games for Children's Ministry: Quiet Ball

Sometimes as a leader in children’s ministry you may find yourself in a most inevitable and unfortunate position: downtime. What do you do when you have 30 kids and 5-10 minutes to kill? When I worked at the YMCA we had a stash of ideas that we called “backpocket games.” These games were a way for us to kill time that way the children wouldn’t kill themselves. Most of these games have nothing to do about Jesus,

Children's Church Games

You’ve worked hard on your Kids Church lesson, but you still need to find one more fun activity to round out the hour. If you have served in children’s ministry for long, then you know that down time is the enemy. One great strategy is to always have additional learning activities or games. Also check out our listing of free Sunday School games for kids. This page points to hundreds of free church game ideas that can