Free Preteen Ministry Curriculum

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Free Messy Preteen Curriculum
Our friends at Children’s Ministry Deals have released a free lesson series for preteens (or upper elementary) students. It’s a 4 week Bible study that will help them trust in God when life gets messy. Just looking at the reviews, tons of churches have already used this and given it high marks. If you are struggling to engage this age group, this might be a great way to kickstart your preteen ministry.

Free Preteen Ministry CurriculumHow to download: Simply click the link above to their website and click “ADD TO CART.” You will go through their checkout and enter the payment screen, but no payment is needed because this is a 100% free download. While you’re there you can check out the other free lesson plans and preteen Bible studies. This would be ideal for a weeknight program, but could work in Sunday School (if they are prepared to be messy).

About the Curriculum

It’s built around a memory verse from Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

It’s packed with fun game ideas to keep the class involved in the Bible teaching. Includes resources for large and small groups.
Lesson 1 – Messy Lies
Bible Story: Abraham lies about Sarah. Genesis 20. Preteens will learn how lies can make a mess in their lives. God’s word offers hope but it starts with the truth about our sin is what starts the mess in our lives.
Lesson 2 – Messy Pride
Bible Story: The fall of Samson. Judges 16.  The class will discover how pride can cause a mess in their lives from the life of Samson and his frequent failures.
Lesson 3 – Messy Plans
Bible Story: Moses kills the slave driver. Exodus 2:11-22. Students will study how impatience can create a mess in their lives. Anyone working with adolescents knows this is a constant struggle.
Lesson 4 – Cleaning Up the Mess
Bible Story: Jesus forgives Peter’s denial. John 21:15-19. In the final lesson, preteens will learn how Jesus can help us clean up even the biggest messes. This evangelistic message is an important part of any good ministry teaching program.
I’d love your feedback on this material, I’ve looked it over but haven’t had a chance to use it in my church yet. My next rotation in the Middle School Sunday School class and I’m going teach these lessons myself.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.