Our website supporters at Children’s Worship Bulletins offer this excellent resource – scroll down to get the free samples.

Worship Bulletins for Children
Many kids struggle with the move up to the “adult” worship service – but having a hands-on activity sheet / illustrated worship bulletin can make a big difference.
Each illustrated bulletin includes scripture quotes from the Holy Bible, age appropriate activities for the kids, and questions to help them reflect on the Bible story. You can close up examples of their Age 3-6 and Age 7-12 materials. If you buy the digital downloads, it is possible to customize each bulletin for your church service.
Get 20 Printable Bulletin Sample Pack (100% Free)
If you like what you see – jump over to their website and get free 20 bulletin sample pack for your church. That’s an amazing and generous offer!
What Others Think of Church Bulletins Activities
These could also be an amazing resource for your Sunday School or Children’s Church. Imagine having the weekly lectionary scriptures ready in advance! Here are a few great testimonials from their website. You can also checkout their Facbeook page for more great ideas on children’s worship bulletins.
“Our children were ecstatic about the bulletins on Sunday. They felt so important to receive their very own bulletins. We are very glad to have received the card in the mail inviting us to subscribe to this service.”
–Jo Ann
“The bulletins are fantastic and so easy to print! Thank you so much. I love being able to print them in color!”
“The materials are excellent and easy to use, find and manipulate. We love the options of choosing bulletins and even finding topics and Scriptures we are looking for. You are doing a great work, and you can believe that we are spreading the Word! Thank you so much!”
More Praise these Kids Worship Bulletins
“This resource is exactly what I have been looking for. I love that I can customize with our church information and even change dates. It is especially helpful that we are not limited to one particular lesson each week but have the freedom to choose from so many options. There has obviously been a lot of thought and practical experience put into this product. Well done, and again, thank you!”
“WOW! PRAISE GOD! This is a wonderful website for beginner teachers and I am one of those. I was getting really stressed on what was apporiate age material and what would keep the children’s attention when learning about the Word. This a big blessing for me. I work long hours and this gives me the freedom to give my children a good lesson. Thank you and God bless your whole staff.”
“I have a brother who is developmentally disabled. I send him a children’s bulletin every week, and he just loves it. Thank you so much.”
“Thank you for all the work you all do to make these available to us! We just love them and the kids do too! The extra ones for special occasions are great – I can use them!”
How would you use Illustrated Children’s Worship Bulletins?
Leave a comment below if you think the children in your church service would benefit from this type of resource.
Other Worship Bulletins for Children? Kidsword? Illustrated?
There are other publishers who create children’s worship bulletins. If you want to shop around and compare options, here are a few links to get started:
- Build Faith wrote reviews of childrens worship bulletins (but the article is several years ago and many of the links are broken)
- Kids Word is another option for Children’s Worship Bulletins
- Augsburg Press publishes worship bulletins for children as part of their Spark Worship curriculum
- The Catholic Toolbox lists some homemade worship bulletins from various websites (another article from several years ago)
These are awesome!
Cassie Snyders
Director of Children’s Ministries
Living Rock Church
Oh awesome! The Children’s Worship Bulletins are amazing!! Our church would benefit greatly from this as we are a very small church and funding is limited at this time, however the bulletins are so great that they are so well worth the price! Thank you for providing these valuable tools. God Bless this ministry.
This would be fantastic! I think it would help with all the wiggles and restlessness!
I think this would be awesome for my church!!!
I have made our own worship bulletin once or twice and having this subscription would help me use my time better! I love this ministry to children website. I have learned so much from here.
Thank you for serving the ministry to children. It is the most under-served area of most churches. Your creative resources help me make the Scripture engaging, while teaching life changing truths. May Heaven’s continued creativity, blessings and resources flow into this good work!
This such a great way for kids to learn about God and everything he is.. my husband has been teaching kids church on Wednesday nights with this and they absolutely love it.. love how it breaks down all the information In a way kids can understand it and learn it. Then the next week or give a summary of what they should have learned the week before and the kids actually remember it all.. just love sharing gods words with the kids and have them retain the information is so heart warming..
These bulletins would be great! I love having resources so I can make a bulletin geared towards the kids that also go along with the message from our pastor.
I think if the kids receive their own special bulletin, it would not only make them feel important and a part of the church, but would help to keep them engaged in the service. All that on top of learning more about Jesus! It would be a blessing!
This would be SO perfect for our Children’s Ministry. We are a small church with an even smaller budget. We began (in September) having the kids come back to the fellowship hall at 9 a.m. until 12 noon. That way the adults could enjoy quality time in the prayer room, fellow shipping with other adults over a cup of coffee, and Adult church knowing that their children were being taken care of. When the kids arrive at 9 a.m. we feed them breakfast. They are then allowed a brief time of (indoor) games. Afterwards they have their own (age appropriate) time of praise & worship, offering & intercessory prayer. (potty break) THEN we break into different age group classes. The youngest ones are in a classroom where their attention to the lesson can be better focused. Crafts & Bible games finish up our time while we wait for parents to pick them up. We sure could use this !
Our group would love these! <3
We use bulletins at our church now and the kids really enjoy getting a small bag with the bulletin, pencil, and crayons to use during service. It would be amazing to have new materials.!
I would love to win
This is an awesome way to reach children to engage in worship.
Hi, our church has just started up. We were blessed to find the perfect location to reach many people. These bulletins will be a great way to help our growing Sunday school classes. i think our kids would love and benefit from them. I printed out the samples and showed it to the kids and they were excited.
Would love to win these bulletins. Love looking at this website. Excited to try these samples out.
God bless you for this ministry. I love my kids and want the best for them.
I think these would be great for our class!!!
My kids could definitely benefit from this. I hate leaving them out of children’s church but too many age ranges and not enough volunteers make it necessary. This would help them !
We are in desperate need of these. Our kids would love having these. I would love to win these bulletins for my church kids.
Our kids would love this.
Love Children’s Bulletins
PTL, this is a wonderful way to engage children for a small congregation like ours. We are a new church, 9 months old, and renting a hotel banquet room, and do not have separate room to teach our small children. This would allow us to incorporate them into the worship experience and engage them through teaching/preaching on the topics of the children’s worship bulletins along with the adult worshippers. Great find!
Pastor Debra
I have used the children’s bulletins before, both as an activity sheet for children to work on during the church service and as a resource for Jr. Church and I would like to incorporate them in my plans again. We have a small church (“small but mighty!”) and for a time, we had no children in the pre-school / early elementary school age group. Now the next “wave” of babies is coming into the age that we think they should do more than play in the nursery. Most members of the education, committee as well as parents, agree that young children disturb their parents more than others during worship, but they keep their parents’ attention diverted from the message and hymns. In Jr. Church, whenever it is appropriate, I teach the same Bible story or message being used in “Big Church” per the lectionary. I read the same scripture and then have the children color, work puzzles and do a craft project to emphasize the message. That’s exactly what the Children’s Bulletins do and I would either use the puzzles or pictures in “class” or better yet, send them home for the children to share with their parents. I have started Jr. Church again and I am trying to organize supplies and resources and I would like to use the Children’s Bulletins.
These bulletins are great . I love that they have different age groups. The kids love them.
We have a good size group of kids this year and next year that will be transitioning into “big” church. This bulletin would be so fantastic to have as a way to help them feel important and included without making them feel like they can’t handle the change. We’d be so blessed if we were to win the year subscription! Thank you for the opportunity!!
This looks exactly like what I have been looking for. Such a wonderful way to reach those constantly growing minds. I know I could get my church on board with this! I teach 5-6 grade children, and they get so excited when I give them activities to complete. Thank you for doing what you do.
These are so cool.
I’m enjoying using the plethora of ideas you provide !
These are great in helping young ones understand the Bible stories in a fun and entertaining way.
I love your children’s worship bulletins!
We have used the Children’s Bulletins for years! our kids love getting their own bulletin and they are encouraged to share them with their family during the week. We have our children in the worship service for part of the service and then they go downstairs for their own child appropriate activities. It is a great way to share the love of God at their level.
I have used this website for years, and I’ve never been disappointed! These bulletins will be a new addition for me but I would love to use them. (have they been issued before?)
This would be a blessing to our church’s Sunday school class. We are a small country church. The children would enjoy these.
As a Cathecist for fourth graders (ages 9-10) I feel these bulletins would be helpful in furthering their
belief and also help to keep their attention during the Sunday services.
These are amazing and I know the children will love them!!!
I’ve made use of many of your ideas as they are and to jump start ideas of my own. Sometimes we all need a little help getting the light bulb to turn on in the brain.
I’m redesigning our children’s service binders and have wanted to try out your bulletins on our kids. Yours would save me lots of time and seem to hit all the high points that I would like to emphasize.
These are great to connect what we learn in Children’s Liturgy to the readings during mass! The children love having their own bulletin with fun activities on them!! Another great way to learn about the faith!
These would be an amazing asset for my Sunday School and Children’s Church
I put out the samples for our children to use during church and they loved them. Also I got positive feedback from their parents too
Our Church does not have bulletins for Children, but I do know they would appreciate it so very much.
These look so awesome. The kids in our church would love them!
This looks so cool!! Our young people would love it!! Thanks!!
Good job!
These would be great for children’s and youth ministry of my church.
bulletins for our kids is a great idea!! right now we have one Mom who doesn’t know “what to do with her 2 kids”…..these might help!!
I love doing these bulletins with my grandchildren. Thank you
The parents in my churches have been so excited for the activity bags I have provided when Jr church isn’t offered. Children’s bulletins would be good not only for the little ones, but also the older children as well.
Thank you for what you do and in helping myself teach these little ones
We have several that are moving up to “big church”. Kids bulletins would be a great help to transition!
Our church would love to have the Children’s worship Bulletins to give our children each week.
We could really use that at our church! Something that can really help the kids!
Hi Phyllis,
We just rand the drawing and your comment was the winner. I’m sending you an email to confirm.