This Sunday School lesson was designed for to use with their children on the week of June 7, 2020. It’s based on Matthew 28:16-20 where Jesus commission his followers to go and make more disciples.

Go Make Disciples!
Sunday School Suggestions (in home or in groups) to Remember the Great Commission
Before His Ascension, Jesus gave the disciples an important task: they were to go into “all the world” and spread the Gospel to others. This was not just a command for the twelve, but for all of us. Sharing the Good News is not a chore, however, but a blessing. We are agents of God’s will, and we have opportunities to serve Him and make His name known to those near and far!
Lesson focus: This lesson focuses on the importance of how Jesus sent the disciples into the world to build His church and share the good news of the Gospel. It urges youngsters to carry on that critical task by considering how they can love those near to them, and others far away.
Bible Passage: Matthew 28:16-20
Target Audience: Kindergarten-6th grade (or whoever you might have at home!)
Materials Needed: Construction paper, decorative materials, toilet paper tubes, scissors, glue or tape, paper plates, globes, postcards, Bible (all optional, depending which activities you choose to use—except for the Bible, you need that for sure).
More Great Commission Teaching Helps
- See our video playlist of these crafts and lesson ideas.
- See all our resources based on the Great Commission
- Compare this full Sunday School lesson about Making Disciples
- See our dominoes object lesson about sharing the Gospel
Group Games and Lesson Introduction
In the Great Commission, we are sent out to share our faith with one another and encourage others to know and love Christ. Spark the interest and honor the theme of that Great Commandment, as you prepare students to study it (note: most of these elements could be used at home or in a larger group setting). Here are some potential activities to enjoy.
How big is the world? Ask students to think of as many countries and languages as they can. How many are there? Which is the largest? Provide some facts for things they may not know, and explain that Jesus sent the disciples to spread Christianity to ALL the world!
- Look at a globe, and discuss features of our great planet. What might it mean to go into ALL the world? What do you know about the work of a missionary?
- Play “red light/green light” in honor of GOING into the world.
- Sending…the Commission has to do with a sending into the world. Celebrate this by sending some letters or cards of your own! Discuss types of mail and why the postal service is important. We get to be “mail men” of a sort, too!
- Commissioning…a sending! Brainstorm some other people or jobs that get “sent.” People like pastors, nurses, military officers, and many others are officially designated and sent into the world to do their jobs. We get to do that as Christians!
- What does a secret agent do? We get to be agents of God’s will! Think of what a special forces team or secret agents do…when we go out as Christians, our lives can be just as exciting. What are some “sneaky” methods of serving others not for our own credit, but for letting someone else feel loved?
- Does your church support a missionary? Learn about them, and find special ways to pray for and support them.
Remind children that Jesus has given us all an important job to spread the good news of Jesus to everyone. We are going to discuss the importance of this God-given commandment. Jesus Didn’t just ask the disciples to tell the world of Him if they felt like it…He wants everyone to be part of the Great Commission!
Ask: Who can you think of that needs to hear some good news? If you had good news, who might be the first person you’d share it with?
Great Commission Bible Lesson for Kids
Bible Lesson: As always, how you choose to experience the story will vary according to the ages and abilities of your children (and how many are participating). You may wish to share video clips, children’s versions, or other methods to communicate the Great Commission. Today’s Scripture passage is not too long, but conveys a powerful and essential message for all of us. Set the stage for Christ’s instructions, reminding kids that after Jesus rose from the dead, He visited people, and He taught the disciples.
Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. -Matthew 28:16-17
Ask: Why do you think some people still doubted, even after all that had happened?
Explain that right before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He gave the disciples an important task. This was not just a job for the disciples, but for all people in all times! Listen to these words of Jesus, and contemplate what they might mean for you:
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[b] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” -Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus reminded His disciples that He had “all authority in heaven and on earth”… maybe this was to reinforce the power He had as Son of God and one with God. That means if He gives a command, we should listen! Therefore, Jesus wants the disciples to GO and teach others of His laws and His sacrifice. Those instructions were not just for the disciples, but for us, too! Jesus promises to be with us. What wonderful news! We can carry that out when we share His love and His life with others.
*Ask: The disciples were excited to tell everyone who would listen about Jesus. Who can you tell about Him? How can you tell about Him? Don’t forget, the Holy Spirit helps us when we feel nervous about sharing the Gospel.
Remind kids that all of us are called to love and serve one another, and to share the Gospel with those around us. This might be people far away, or it might be those close to us! There are so many ways we can communicate God’s love. We can tell people about God, and we can also live as His people by demonstrating genuine care for one another. Everyone, everywhere is our mission field!
Crafts: “Commission Globe,” “Sharing Megaphone,” “Go Make Disciples Signal light” (options)
“Great Commission” Themed Snacks for Sunday School
Enjoy some Fruit-by-the-Foot to remember that our feet take us places to share the Gospel.
- Have some Gospel spreading fuel, like trail mix or granola.
- Remember to love all people, “sweet and sour”. Have Sour Patch Kids!
- “GO” into the world and have “Go-gurt”!
- “Signal light cookies”: shortbread with frosting and red, green, and yellow candies
- Celebrate global flair with international-themed treats.
I would like to download the 301 Bible Trivia Questions and Answers for my Sunday School class. I have 9-10 year olds.