This heaven mobile craft reminds children that heaven is a beautiful place. It can also prevent misconceptions about heaven by promoting conversation about what the Bible teaches.
Heaven Craft for Sunday School
Each mobile piece features a letter of the word “HEAVEN” on one side and a phrase describing heaven on the other side:
- Happy (everyone in heaven is happy)
- Eternal Life (we will live there forever)
- Angels (angels will be in heaven with us)
- Very Beautiful (everything in heaven is beautiful)
- Every Believer (every believer will be in heaven)
- No Evil (there will be no evil in heaven)
Materials needed:
- Letters and phrases (download here) printed back to back on card stock or heavy paper (one set per child) with the words HEAVEN
- Markers and/or crayons
- Hole puncher
- About 42 inches of yarn for each child – one 12-inch piece and five 6-inch pieces
- Extra adult help may be needed for hole-punching and yarn-tying
What to do:
- Print the letters and phrases back to back so that the word “Happy” is on the back of the letter H, etc.
- You may want to cut the cards apart ahead of time if the card stock will be hard for the children to cut.
- Tell the children they will make a beautiful mobile to remind them that heaven is a beautiful place.
- Have the children color the letters and decorate around them with beautiful pictures. (Picture 1)
- While the children are coloring, you can use the phases on the backs of the cards to discuss what the Bible teaches about heaven.
- Punch a hole in the center near the top and in the center near the bottom of each letter card, except for N punch the hole in the top only. (Picture 2)
- When each child is done decorating, attach the cards vertically with loops of yarn, putting the longest yarn at the top. The mobile is ready to hang!

Enjoy this craft about heaven in your children’s ministry, Sunday School, or kids church. It’s a beautiful project to decorate around church classrooms or send home for families after you teach a Bible lesson about Heaven.
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