Try these two simple craft ideas when your teaching about how Jesus is the true King. These are ideal for any lessons that mention King Herod or the coming of Jesus as the baby Messiah. The link below includes the compete craft directions and bonus printable coloring pages. Be sure to watch the video directions below.
Crafts: King Herod the Great (NOT)
Ideas for Celebrating Jesus as the True King
Every now and then, it’s good to visit a “bad guy” character with kids, mostly for the sake of emphasizing what we do NOT want to do. Students may not know much about Herod, the villain of the Nativity story, and there’s no great need for them to have too much information about him. However, by contrasting Herod’s greed and evil with Christ’s selfless love, the beauty of the Messiah is all the more appreciated. These crafts celebrate the HERO and true King of the story and of our lives.
Don’t miss all our Sunday School Bible Crafts for Kids or coloring page that compares Herod to Jesus.
Bible Verses or Craft Captions:
Jesus is the true King!
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” -Matthew 19:14
Hip Hurray! Let’s Celebrate Jesus’s Birthday!
But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. -Hebrews 12:9
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! -Psalm 100:1

Craft one: “Crown Jesus King”
Simple Sunday School Craft for Children
Craft Supplies
- Decorative markers or crayons
- Glitter (optional!)
- Paper or cardboard crown (see our crown craft template or ask for some extras at Burger King)
- Stickers
Paper Crown Directions
- Decorate the cardboard crown with markers, stickers, and more! Use puffy paint or glitter if you feel extra daring.
- Add a verse or caption.
- Fit to student’s head and enjoy!

Craft Two: “Celebrate Jesus Noisemaker”
Fun Craft for Children to Make Music & Noise for the Messiah
Craft Supplies
- Paper Plates
- Tape, glue, or stapler
- Stickers
- Decorative materials
- Crepe streamers, pipe cleaners (optional)
- Dried macaroni, beans, or rice
Craft Procedure:
- Decorate the paper plates with markers and stickers. Add verse or caption, if desired.
- Place streamers and/or pipe cleaners in the center of the inside of the plate.
- Carefully add dried noodles, rice, or beans.
- Staple the paper plates together to enclose the dried goods.
- Make sure all holes are sealed. Shake and make a joyful noise!
Bible Lesson Ideas for this Sunday School Craft
- The Magi and King Herod (Matthew 2) Sunday School Lesson
- Two Very Different Kings Coloring Page (included in download above)
- J is for Jesus coloring page (included in download above)
- The Cold Hard Truth about Bethlehem We Often Forget