This lesson about the betrayal and arrest of our Savior helps children see that knowing what His friend would do Jesus treated Judas respectfully and honestly. This lesson also teaches the children how to piece together the entire incident by using all the details from the four gospels. It’s a good idea to talk to the children about the fact that the authors emphasized certain details, but they all make up the entire story. This lesson can be used for Sunday School or Children’s church.
Bible Story: Jesus’ Betrayal and Arrest
Scripture: Matthew 26:14-16, 20-25, 47-56; Mark 14:10-11, 17-21, 42-50; Luke 22:1-6; 21-23; 47-53; John 18:2-11
Target Age Group: Age 7 – 12 (U.S. 1st – 6th Grade)
Time: 30 Minutes
Learning Context: Children’s Church
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Learning Objectives: After this lesson…
- Children express what they learned about the key people and events from these passages.
- Children identify the details about Judas’ betrayal.
- Children identify Jesus’ responses to Judas.
Material Needed:
- Bibles (at least 4): Matthew 26:14-16, 20-25, 47-56; Mark 14:10-11, 17-21, 42-50; Luke 22:1-6, 21-23, 47-53; John 18:2-11
- Prepare beforehand the details regarding the way in which Judas betrayed Jesus and Jesus’ response to Judas.
- Visual aids: pictures of Judas with high priests, Judas kissing Jesus in garden, pictures surrounding Jesus. Try searching those phrases on Google Images.
Listening Assignment: Divide the children into two groups and assign one group the task of finding all the details about Judas betrayal of Jesus. Assign the second group the task of identifying the ways that Jesus responded to Judas prior to His arrest and at His arrest.
Lesson Plan about Jesus’ Arrest and Betrayal
Establish the lesson by briefly explaining the key people and events in the passages being read with pictures of Judas talking with the high priest, Judas giving Jesus a kiss in the garden, and possible a picture of Jesus surrounded by soldiers
Assign four students to read the scripture passages. Reinforce the lesson by asking for the details learned from it.
Details from Matthew: Judas plots with high priest, Jesus’ betrayal and asks what they are willing to give him. He agrees to 30 pieces of silver and looks for good timing. At Passover meal, Jesus mentions His betrayal. Jesus identifies betrayer as one who dipped His hand in bowl with Him. Jesus says better betrayer never was born. Judas questions if he is betrayer, and Jesus says, “You have said it yourself.” Disciples question about who could be betrayer. Judas is accompanied to the garden by a multitude with swords and clubs, chief priests, and elders of the people came. The sign of betrayal was a kiss. The betrayal sign indicate to the leader who they were to seize. Judas greets Jesus by saying, “Hail Rabbi (teacher)”. Jesus responds by saying, “Friend, do what you’ve come for.” Other details are we given from this passage: a slave of a high priest gets his ear cut off by a person, but Jesus tells him with the sword to return it, because one who uses a sword perishes by the sword. Jesus says He can call 12 legions of angels, but reminds His listeners about the fulfillment of scripture. Jesus talks to them about their method of arrest when he was among them in the temple teaching. We’re told the disciples flee from Jesus.
Details from Mark: Judas plots with high priest for Jesus’ betrayal for unnamed sum of money and looks for good timing. At Passover meal, Jesus mentions His betrayal. Jesus identifies betrayer as one who dipped His hand in bowl with Him. Jesus says better betrayer never was born. Disciples question about who could be betrayer. At garden, Jesus tells other disciples betrayer has arrive and is accompanied to the garden by a multitude with swords and clubs, chief priests, and elders of the people came. The sign of betrayal was a kiss. The betrayal sign indicate to the leader who they were to seize. Judas greets Jesus, “Rabbi!” A slave of a high priest gets his ear cut off by a person. Jesus asks about the use of swords and club and treating Him as robber when they saw his behavior in temple. Speaks how His arrest is fulfillment of Scripture. All with Jesus fled.
Details from Luke: Told Satan enters Judas and he plots Jesus’ betray with high priests for unnamed amount of money and will look for best time. At Passover meal Jesus mentions betrayer at table and speaks woe to that man. Disciples question about who could be betrayer. At garden multitude come and told Judas kisses Jesus. Jesus asks Judas if he is betraying Him with a kiss. A slave of a high priest gets his ear cut off by a person, but told Jesus tells them to stop and heals the ear with a touch. Jesus asks about the use of swords and club and treating Him as robber when they saw his behavior in temple. Jesus says, “The hour and power of darkness is theirs.”
Details from John: Told Judas, the betrayer, knew the place Jesus prayed because Jesus often met there with them to pray. Judas arrives with Roman cohort, officers from chief priests, and Pharisees. Told they are carrying lanterns, torches, and weapons. Jesus approaches them and asks them who they are seeking. Identify the one they are looking for as Jesus of Nazarene. Jesus says it’s Him and told Judas among them. Told Peter cuts ear of slave Malchus, but Jesus tells him He is to drink of Father’s cup. Arrested by Roman cohorts, commanders, officers of Jews, and bound.
When all passages finished, use the pictures to review the detail regarding Judas’ betrayal and Jesus’ arrest. Ask for a response from the children about their listening assignment. What details did they learn about Judas’ betrayal and what did they learn about the way Jesus responded to Judas prior to and during His arrest.
Lesson Evaluation:
- Ask for a volunteer to retell the betrayal and arrest of Jesus with as much detail as they can remember from all 4 gospels. Remember to prompt the child by asking, “What happened next?”
- Ask for two volunteers. Ask one to give as many details about Jesus’ response to Judas before and during the betrayal.
Give a list of details and have the children identify the gospel it occurred.
- Peter slice of ear of high priest’s slave. John
- Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Matthew
- Jesus says the hour and power of darkness belongs to those arresting Him. Luke
- Referral is made to Jesus’ ability to call up 12 legions of angels. Matthew
- Mentions Judas betraying Jesus, but not amount of money. Mark and Luke
- Mentions name of high priest slave as Malchus. John
- Doesn’t mention Judas betraying Jesus with a kiss. John
- Mentions Jesus healing high priest slave’s ear. Luke
Need More Ideas? Be sure to check out all our Easter Materials for Children’s Church or read about a great tool for sharing the Gospel with Children.
This lesson is top notch , thank you continue doing a great work. May I request if you may also accommodate 4-6 years age group. It will greatly assist in accommodating these tiny souls