Easy Mother's Day Ideas (Church & Sunday School)

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Try something new for Mother’s day in 2019 – This page links to our best materials for helping kids celebrate mom. Lessons, Crafts, Printables, Songs, and Games โ€” all 100% free like Godโ€™s grace.

We combined our most popular Mother’s Day resources into one giant resource file. Includes Lesson Plan, Coloring Pages, Games, Printable Cards, Crossword Puzzle, Mom Interview, Bible Verses, Fun Quiz and object lessons. It’s way more than you can teach on one Sunday – so just download and use what you like.

Mother’s Day is one of the biggest dates on the church calendar. Christians have a strong tradition of honoring women on Mother’s day. We expect increased attendance in both Sunday school and Children’s church.

More Ideas for Mother’s Day

Our writers have posted so many great ideas for mother’s day, click that link to browse them all. If you are in a hurry, check out our favorites below.

What are you doing at church for Mother’s Day?

Our church has a tradition of doing baby dedication service on Mother’s Day. We have one scheduled for this year too. There will also be a time of recognition for mother’s. Many churches will give Mother’s Day gifts, read Mother’s day poems, or present gift cards to the Mother’s in attendance. What about your church? What are you doing on Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day Sunday School Crafts?

You can begin your search for Mother’s Day Sunday school crafts right on our website. There are many other places to get ideas, some have whole sections devoted to Mother’s Day. I’ve always liked it when the kids made a special card or project for Mother’s Day over several weeks. It can be something as simple as a series of coloring sheets bound as a “MY Favorite Mother” book. By producing something more substantial, Mother’s are more likely to save it in a scrapbook or memory box. Too many really simple Mother’s Day crafts find to the waste basket.

I’ve prepared a list of Bible Verses For Mother’s Day. You can use these to turn generic Sunday school crafts into focus with Mother’s Day.

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