New Candy Bible Object Lessons

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Bible Object Lessons about candy
Kids will love these candy object lessons from the Bible. Print this post for a quick children’s sermon our illustration in Sunday School class.
I’m a huge candy fan! Not only is it sweet and fun to snack on but candy makes the perfect object lesson. I’ve found that whenever you use edible object lessons, kids attention is riveted to you. (Mostly because they want some but they will listen!) Like you, I have favorite candies, including Runts, Tic Tacs and Lifesavers. If you have a few of these in your pocket, you can teach valuable bible lessons. It’s a good idea to have plenty on hand so you can share them when the lesson is over.
Runts: Pour some of these candies on a table or in your hand. Say,”See these candies? These are called Runts and they are my favorite candy treat. They come in different colors and flavors but I have some that are my favorites and some that are my least favorite. See, this purple one? That’s my favorite color and taste. See the yellow, banana ones? I don’t like these too much. If the red ones are your favorite, raise your hand? (Go through the list and poll the kids to see which is the favorite.) You and I have favorites but God does not have favorites. God doesn’t look at what’s on the outside, He knows what is on the inside. God once told Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” God looks at people much differently than we do. He looks at what is on the inside!

Tic Tacs: See this tiny little candy? It’s called a Tic Tac and it is full of flavor, it makes your breath smell great. Just looking at this tiny little candy, would you believe it had that much power inside it? It looks like it might give you a tiny amount of flavor but really it is packed with flavor. This reminds me of a Bible verse. Let’s read 1 Corinthians 1:27. This verse says, “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.Never underestimate what God can do with the smallest, weakest thing. He often chooses the weak things to make the strong ashamed.

Lifesavers: Can you guess why they call these candies Lifesavers? (Wait for answers.) That’s right! Because the candy is shaped like a pool ring. If someone needs help in the pool, you can throw a lifesaver ring and they can grab it. Jesus is like a lifesaver, when we feel like we are drowning in sin, we can call out to him and he will save us! “Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!” (Romans 10:13) Who wants a lifesaver?
Read more from Mimi by visiting her blog at Tools for Kids Church.
For more sweet ideas, browse these related children’s sermons on our website:

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