This is a guest from Mark & Stacy Ayers, the creators of New Creature Creations.
Parents and Pastors: Are you looking for a great way to minister to your children at home or at church? Check out our website www.stuckintheyuck.com for a free animated children’s curriculum, including a leader’s guide that can be utilized by parents or church leaders. The New Creature Show is an animated worship experience for kids of all ages.

The Animated Pastor, Pastor Mark, uses the “Hook, Book, Look, Took” format to teach children the biblical principles of sin and salvation. Children are introduced to Staggy and his friends and join in their adventures while learning biblical truths and growing in their faith.
Visit our website to watch “Stuck in the Yuck” for free. Downloadable curriculum is also available.
About this Bible Study Curriculum for Kids
New Creature Creations (NCC) is an animated curriculum specifically designed to reach and teach kids with the Gospel of Christ. We believe God has designed us to be creative for His glory. In order for us to reach the generations to come, we must use new and exciting methods. Each of our lessons uses the Hook, Book, Look, Took format to engage children and clearly communicate deep biblical truths on a childlike level. Our animated characters and their situations are used as the “Hook” to teach kids about the greatness of God. The ultimate goal of NCC is to evangelize, energize, equip, and excite the generations for the glory of God and each lesson seeks to teach God-centered truths that will help anchor kids in the Christian faith.
During the first animated episode, children are introduced to Staggy, an Orangutan who is at the top of Needlepoint in search of a yuck, yuck berry. The sign beside the yuck, yuck tree reads: “Do not eat!” and of course, our hungry little monkey eats from the yuck, yuck tree and the adventure begins. Using the transition questions, parents and pastors can begin to relate Staggy’s adventure to the biblical realities of Adam and Eve’s fall into sin. Ultimately, children learn that God is the one who rescues us by sending Christ to save us.
New Creature Creations curriculum is designed in such a way that it can be utilized in either the church setting or at home. Some possible uses include: Sunday School, Mid-week Bible Study, Summer Camp, VBS, Home School Sessions, or for Family Devotional Time.