Musical Chairs: Bible Object Lesson (John 14:2)

Musical chairs isn’t just an exciting game, it’s an opportunity to present an object lesson to kids. Break out those chairs, get the music ready and that’s all you need. Here’s a review of how the game is played and some verses you can use. Chairs are placed in a circle, the seats facing outward. There should be one chair … More Children’s Ministry Resources

See God’s Love: Strawberry Syrup Object Lesson

Unlike most folks, I’m not a big strawberry syrup fan but sometimes it’s delicious to have with milk. It makes a wonderful object lesson for teaching kids to see and appreciate God’s love. That’s perfect for Valentine’s Day or anytime you need to teach children about His precious love. This is so simple, it’s kind of silly to teach you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Flashing Light Object Lesson about Prayer

We’ve all heard the acronyms, FROG and PUSH (that’s Fully Rely on God and Pray Until Something Happens.) These might motivate teens and adults to pray but kids need something more. Prayer isn’t a natural impulse but once kids get the power of prayer, they will want to participate. Let me say this, when parents teach their children to pray, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Blacklight Bible Object Lesson-Do You See Any Sin?

Until recently, black lights in my ministry were only used a few times year, mostly when the youth were doing their annual rendition of “Arise My Love” for Easter, complete with white gloves. The other day, I was looking for an item I could use to help kids understand the concept of “hidden sins.” The verse Proverbs 28:13 that says, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Parables of Jesus: 9 Lessons for Kids

children's ministry is important to Jesus

Kids learn best through storytelling – that’s why teaching the parables of Jesus is perfect for Sunday School and Junior Church. This 9 lesson curriculum is 100% free to download an teach. This page lists all the individual lesson plans in our 9 part series on the parables of Jesus. We’ve also included some additional teaching helps below. Why Jesus … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Object Lesson: Christmas Lights

Drag out that extra strand of Christmas lights — it’s an object lesson! While there are tons of teaching opportunities for presenting the Nativity story there are other topics you can teach too . One of those is the subject of church unity. Kids and teens can help encourage unity and solidarity in the church if they know how important … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Object Lesson: The Nativity Scene

Using a nativity scene for Christmas lesson is a no-brainer but if you want to present a new twist on your teaching, I’ve got some ideas to share with you. By presenting your teaching in this visual, interactive manner, you will engage kids in a way that will keep them interested in learning more about the Bible. Even if your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Object Lesson: The Gift in a Gift

Want to bring some excitement to your holiday curriculum? You can’t go wrong with this Christmas object lesson. The idea is to teach kids that God’s gift—His son, Jesus. He is truly the gift that keeps giving. By presenting the “gift in a gift” you will demonstrate how people who love Jesus can share him with everyone. He is the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Object Lesson: The Wrapping Paper

Christmas Object Lesson

With all the festive wrapping paper, bows, bags and boxes, it is easy to forget that Christmas is not about the gifts we receive from a store. The best gift is the gift from God—His precious son, Jesus Christ. For children, this important message can get lost among the electronics, board games and baby dolls. Let’s keep it in front … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Object Lesson: The Christmas Card

This time of year it is a tradition to send Christmas greetings with Christmas cards. Some cards feature family photos, play music or tell a funny story. Whichever Christmas card your family chooses to send the message is clear — the card is a way to express your holiday greetings. Grab a few of your favorite Christmas cards and bring … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Object Lesson: The Stocking Stuffer

Looking for a way to teach children about the intangible gifts of God, like peace, love, gentleness and kindness? This Christmas object lesson—the stocking stuffer makes it easy. Remind kids how precious and important the fruits of the Spirit, that they should want these gifts more than anything they get in their stocking or under the tree! Wrap up nine … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Create an Object Lesson for Kids Church

Love visual lessons but can’t find the right one? You don’t have to rely on others to present you with object lessons–you can do it yourself. That’s true even if you don’t have a teaching degree or any experience writing curriculum. I learned how to create an object lesson a children’s ministry conference well over a decade ago. We were … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Breaking the Law Object Lesson from 1 John 3:4-5

Try this fun way to teach kids about what breaking God’s law means! I do love an object lesson and with so many inexpensive sheriff or police officer costumes available right now, why not? Base the object lesson on 1 John 3:4-5. “Everyone who sins breaks the law in fact, sin is lawlessness. But you know that he appeared so that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Object Lesson Ideas with Popcorn!

Popcorn is a classic snack and children love hearing it and watching it pop-pop-pop! Did you know that popcorn makes the perfect tool for an object lesson? Take this opportunity to teach the kiddos an important Bible truth about what happens when God turns the heat up! Demonstrate how a hard, inedible seed becomes a fluffy, delicious treat. I recommend … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Rose Object Lesson for Kids Church

Even young kids know how sweet and lovely a rose is! The bible describes the Lord as rose in the Song of Solomon, “I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.” (Song of Solomon 2:1) This object lesson allows you kids to see and smell the “beauty of the Lord.” By demonstrating with a rose object … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Learning the Bible: Pizza Object Lesson

I believe in object lessons! Especially visual lessons that involve food, like pizza. If you want to grab kids’ attention and teach them a valuable lesson about learning the Bible, try this pizza object lesson. It is a good idea to have some pizza on hand for snacking later, after the teaching. Supplies you’ll need: Pizza recipe on an index … More Children’s Ministry Resources