Use this Bible craft in your Sunday School class when teaching about the Parables of the Great treasure in Matthew 13:44-45. Download the directions below, gather your craft supplies, and watch our demonstration video as you prepare.
“Parables on the Great Treasure” Sunday School Crafts
What makes for better crafts than the topic of treasure? Jewels, sparkles, and beautiful objects naturally lend themselves to crafting. With these ideas, children will celebrate the parables as well as the concept of what has value. As with any craft, adapt to suit the needs and interests of your students. Have fun!
Bible Verses or Craft Captions to Consider…
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
-Matthew 13:44-45
God’s kingdom…the most valuable treasure!
Seek Heaven first: it’s worth it!
The pearl of greatest price: God’s love
More Ideas for Teaching on the Parable of the Treasure
- See all our teaching resources related to Matthew 13:44-45
- See this craft video demonstration on our YouTube playlist
- Compare our Sunday School lesson on this parable
- See our Pearl of Great Price children’s sermon
Extra Craft Ideas:
- Make a collage with “valuable” items found in magazines and catalogs
- Use beads to make a necklace, bracelet, or ring of “great worth”
- Write items that are valuable to you, and place on paper cut out in pearl shapes. String using a hole punch and yarn or pipe cleaner.
Craft one: “Pearl in an Oyster Plate”
You will need:
- Paper plates
- Markers, stickers, or other decorating materials
- Scissors
- Glue, tape or staples
- Glitter, sequins, or sparkles
- Pom-poms or cotton balls
- Use markers to decorate the paper plate, adding a written or glued on verse/caption.
- Fold the plate in half like an “oyster”.
- Glue a pom-pom “pearl” into the plate.
- Embellish with glitter, sequins, or stickers.
Unfold the plate to reveal a “pearl” of great worth!
Craft Two: “Treasure Box”
You will need:
- Box or container (any size)
- Glitter, sequins, cross, or paper
- Tape and/or glue
- Extra decorations (stickers, etc.)
- Caption or verse
- Markers or crayons
- Inside the box or container, place a cross, verse, or caption.
- Decorate the box inside and out with glitter, markers, jewels, or other elements
- Add a verse or caption, inside and/or outside
- Provide additional decoration as desired.
Craft Three: “Price tag Necklace”
You will need:
- Yarn or string
- Construction Paper or cardstock
- Extra decorations (stickers, etc.)
- Caption or verse
- Markers or crayons
- Scissors
- Draw an outline of a price tag shape or another shape, selecting the paper color and type of your choice
- Decorate the “price tag” with verses, captions, and/or pictures
- Cut the tag out of the paper
- Attach a string or yarn to serve as a hanging decoration or necklace
- Additionally or alternatively, place small tags on a string with reminders of what is truly important, and how to obtain it.