Ministry-To-Children is among the largest libraries of free children’s ministry curriculum (something like 4000 resources). But you will find our content on thousands of other websites, blogs, and social media accounts.
Here’s why:
Everything on this website is 100% free to download, copy, share, upload elsewhere, and share again! Scroll down to see FAQ about this policy and examples of how ministries are using our materials.

Generosity = our copy-right policy
“Freely you have received; freely give.” Matthew 10:8b
Examples of Appropriate Use
- Sunday School teachers can download, copy, and print anything they need from our website.
- Churches can download our coloring pages in PDF format to email to their families.
- Bloggers can re-shares our lessons on their page with a credit link back.
- Christian publisher includes our material as a “free add-on” to their materials.
- Church denomination can upload and re-share articles from our website on their website too.
- Social media users can share our PDF pages directly.
- Christmas plays never need permission to use our free scripts.
- People can even charge for copy cost if they are printing this materials (in a non-profit motive).
What’s NOT Allowed
- For-profit companies / individuals trying to sell our free content.
- SPAM bots that copy our pictures and remove the illustrators name.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I need permission to ????? Please leave a comment to ask your questions.
May I use the object lessons or any of the lessons in a pre-recorded video of me teaching & share it on YouTube and Facebook?
Absolutely – may God bless your ministry!~
Thank you!! I absolutely love this site!
peace, I am in Brazil, am I allowed to translate and print and charge a fee for copies? I am currently unemployed. A symbolic value
yes please – copy, translate, and share however you like
Thanks for a great resource. I’d like to clearly ask so I know I am permitted. I work in Thailand. Your lesson downloads are pdf but I want the html. I want to put notes in Thai to help Thais teach this. Wish my Thai was good enough to totally translate, but it is still not. I can easily type in thai in html by adding my mrmcgoo.css file (Im in my 60s -if you know who mr. mcgoo is you understand).
I have been developing for over 20 years a free bible note system that is translates into any html supported language with search and replace (GUI uses html 5 css 3) I continually add permitted – free resources into this. I’d like to add what I use to teach from your website. The resource is free, I never ask for donations like you. Children’s resources are few here – but some folks are beginning to develop materials.
Would that be acceptable to you?
This sounds wonderful – you have full permission and blessing!
Thank you so much for your inspired lessons and resources to help our children grow in the Lord! I have used them often during the years in the classroom but I would love to offer them now as we try to reach our youth virtually. Offering them free is such a help for our small Christian ministry.
Do I understand right that I can use your lessons and their resources in our Church’s Facebook live and on our internet site for a children’s class as long as I give credit during the session? Thank you, Barbara Trogdon with Community Holiness Chapel, Lesage WV.
Yes absolutely – any of our lessons or teaching ideas can be used anywhere for ministry with full permission and blessing!
Just reading through some of your material and your permission to use in online services. I pray Gods blessing on this ministry. Thank you so much.
May I use your coloring pages in my church’s weekly bulletin?
yes absolutely 🙌
Good day! Thank you for sharing this. I was blessed reading this. This is a great help for me in the Sunday school and in the School for teaching God’s word. May God bless you more and more.
I am currently writing 1st-2nd Grade Bible Study curriculum and will be working with a publisher to publish my curriculum for sale. I am interested in using the 5 Finger Prayer guide within one of the lessons of my curriculum and want to ensure that appropriate permission has been obtained. It is my intent to use my own artwork but would be using the same verbiage for each finger as you provide on your site. Can you advise as to the proper source for that guide and authorize its use for the purpose described above? Your response is greatly appreciated.
Absolutely – you have our full permission, but I’m not sure anyone could copyright a prayer. God bless you in your efforts.
Peace and Grace,
I am asking for a permission to use Ministry-to-Children curriculum to add it to G2G – Sunday School App that considered a comprehensive reference to the servant by having different curriculums from everywhere, all credit will go to the Ministry to Children and also will be for free.
Immaterial charge will be applied in case they user wants to use the app feature these charge just to maintain the app and keep improving it for the service.
Thanks and God bless
Thanks so much for sharing all of these resources, especially your generosity for allowing us teacher to use them, share with our students. I’m glad I’ve found your blog. God bless.
P.S I am a religion teacher at a catholic school to students from toddlers to 4th grade.
Thank you so much for sharing your information! What a blessing! I use your lessons and adapt them for our special needs ministry.
Thank you and God Bless you for your ministry!
Thank you so much for sharing these lessons. What a blessing! I use the lessons and adapt them for our special needs ministry.
Thank you and God Bless you!
Julie B.
I am a Primary School teacher is Wales and I have recently downloaded a copy of your Christmas Skits. This year due to Covid our school wants ‘the show to go on’, for the children to participate in their Christmas plays. However, as parents will not be able to come into school, we would like to video record their performances and send the clips to parents. Do your scripts have the license to enable us to do this?
Many thanks
Hi Rachel — that’s perfectly ok and you have our full blessing.
Hello, would I be allowed to have the children record lines from a play (or poem) and splice their recordings together to create an online Christmas presentation for our church? We’re all online still. Thank you.
Absolutely – No problem at all with online sharing of our material. God bless
Love this materials I pray God bless you all richly for this great work and would love to use it here in Nigeria for our Children Ministry. Please can I print and produce it in a booklet form or a manual with the name of Our Ministry on it but all Credit to Ministry -to -Children to distribute to both Children Sunday School teachers and the learners.
Hi! I am a teacher in Honduras and would love to redesign the 6-month devotional plan and offer it freely on my Teacher Pay Teachers store as a way for Bible teachers and homeschool parents to 1. have that amazing resource and 2. to find your website. I will not change the content or ever charge for the resourse. It will remain free for all to use.
Good day
I would like to translate the Bible Book names on your coloring pages, i have read your please copy policy, thank you so much! I would just like to know if there are copies you could email to me that i can edit? If possible please.
Hi! Thank you so much for your ministry! I would like to ask for permission to translate the text on the coloring pages and use them to create a children’s coloring book which will be given for free in our church in Macedonia.
Thank you.
I would like to use parts of this lesson in our mission time at our Kids Camps this summer. If I give you and the writer credit, may I adapt this for our use?