Restart is a 4-week children’s ministry curriculum that focuses on the power of repentance and starting anew. Our culture is saturated with judgment and shame, but kids need to know God’s grace and mercy. With His love, we can turn over a new leaf and experience true transformation! Through Restart, children will learn to accept Jesus’ forgiveness and embrace the fresh start He so generously gives.
This new series is available for immediate download from the Sunday School Store in the NIV, KJV, or ESV translations. Use the file below to download or print the free sample lesson PDF.
4-Bible Lesson Overview of Restart Curriculum
Start Here “Follow Him Wherever You Are” Luke 5:27-32 – Everyone has the chance to start fresh and follow Jesus, regardless of their past. Bible Story: Jesus calls Matthew the Tax Collector.
Roll Again “Jesus Gives Us Chances to Get it Right” John 21:15-17 – Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we are able to receive God’s grace and forgiveness so that we can move forward with our lives. Bible Story: Jesus restores Peter.
Don’t Get Stuck “God Knows We’re Not Perfect” John 4:42 – No matter what mistakes we make, we are never too far away from God’s love. Once we accept Him and His forgiveness, we can become a new creation in Christ. Bible Story: Jesus meets the Samaritan woman.
Back to Start “God is Waiting with Open Arms” Luke 15:11-32– Even though it might feel like God will reject us for our sins, He is always beside us, filled with mercy for a chance at redemption. Bible Story: The Parable of the Prodigal Son.
Teach Kids about Starting Over with God’s Grace
Learning about repentance and starting fresh with God’s love is an important part of understanding the love and forgiveness that Jesus provides us. It teaches children that no matter how many times they make mistakes, God will forgive them if they come to Him in confession and ask for His grace. This lesson helps kids to understand their worth as God’s beloved children and encourages them to take responsibility for their actions. Knowing that God loves them so much, despite the bad choices they have made, teaches children to have faith in the power of repentance, which can lead to a life full of abundant joy and contentment!