Tough Questions Kids Ask Lesson Series

Kids love to ask hard questions – especially when it comes to learning about God, faith, and the Bible. These lesson plans tackle some of those difficult questions young skeptics might ask. Every child will have doubts and honest questions while their faith is growing. These lesson plans can help! Why did God make hell? What are Angels and Demons? Why do bad things happen? What’s my role in the church? How do I pray out loud?

Lesson: How Do I Study the Bible? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #9)

It’s so exciting to watch kids grow in their faith and ability to handle God’s word. Especially as they enter the “preteen” years, they can learn to study the Bible on their own. This lesson will help them get started. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To give students practical ways to study the bible and grow in their spiritual maturity and relationship to Christ. MAIN IDEA: There is more than one way to study the bible to learn about

Lesson: What Does the Bible Say About Dating? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #8)

Dating isn’t limited to middle school anymore. Younger and younger children talk about having a “boyfriend” or “girlfriend.” This lesson brings some biblical sanity to this question. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To understand that dating leads to marriage (a relationship that mirrors Christ’s love for us), so we should seek God’s guidance before starting a relationship. MAIN IDEA: Dating is not a decision to be taken lightly. God’s word gives us criteria for dating and marriage, although

Lesson: What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #7)

American culture has changed rapidly in the past few years on the acceptance of homosexuality. However, the testimony of the Christian Bible has not changed. God loves all people, yet he ultimately decides right & wrong. This lessons brings to light these teachings. For more help, read our discussion on same-sex marriage. You’re welcome to comment on this lesson plan, but our website is not a forum for debate. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To debunk cultural myths regarding

Lesson: How Do I Worship God? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #6)

The concept of worship is often assumed but rarely taught to children. This lesson plan will help kids understand how to worship God in their daily lives. Don’t miss the other lessons in this series, “Tough Questions Kids Ask.” TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To understand the definition of worship and learn how to worship in our daily lives. MAIN IDEA: The Lord wants us to have sincere hearts and pure motives when we worship. Physical actions during worship

Lesson: How Do I Pray Out Loud? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #5)

Praying aloud is a challenge for many adults as well as children. This Bible lesson will help kids overcome their reluctance and voice their requests to God. Don’t miss the other lessons in this series, “Tough Questions Kids Ask.” TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: For students to learn how to pray out loud through given methods and scriptural examples. MAIN IDEA: We learn to pray out loud by practicing, studying scripture, and following the Spirit’s guidance. SCRIPTURE PASSAGES: Matthew

Lesson: What is My Role in the Church? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #4)

Children are not only the church of tomorrow, they are a vital part of the church today. It’s so important to minister to children, but sometimes we forget that kids can also serve others. This lesson plan will help children understand how they are gifted by God and placed in a church for their role–just like grown up believers. Don’t miss the other lessons in this series, “Tough Questions Kids Ask.” TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To help students

Lesson: Why Do Bad Things Happen? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #3)

This Bible lesson deals with the so-called “problem of evil” in our world. More importantly, why does God allow so many terrible and sad things to happen in this life. Children will be pointed to Jesus Christ as the only hope in times of trouble. Even our Savior suffered, the most innocent person to ever live, but God was at work behind the scenes to accomplish something greater through his resurrection. Don’t miss the other lessons in

Lesson: What are Angels and Demons? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #2)

This free Bible lesson is the second in our series of “Tough Questions Kids Ask.” It deals with the supernatural reality of angels and demons. It highlights what the Bible teaches about these spiritual forces and their role in important Bible stories. Above all, this lesson should focus children on their need for Jesus Christ and his power to overcome. This lesson plan is appropriate for children’s church, Sunday School, homeschool or a family discipleship setting. TARGET

Lesson: Why Did God Make Hell? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #1)

This Bible lesson is the first in our series of “Tough Questions Kids Ask.” It deals with an issue often ignored in children’s ministry. This lesson plan will help children understand what the Bible teaches about Hell and how that relates to the Good News of Jesus Christ. The point of this teaching is not to manipulate kids through fear, rather to warn them of the very real consequence that comes from rebellion against God. TARGET AGES:

“He’ll Be Back!” Kids Bible Lesson on the Ascension from Luke 24:44-53; Acts 1:1-11

This Sunday School lesson was designed for parents to use with their children at home on the week of May 24, 2020. It’s based on Luke 24:44-53; Acts 1:1-11 where Jesus is taken up into heave (the Ascension) but also promised to come back in the same way. Everything is included in the PDF download below (teaching notes, coloring pages, craft directions, game ideas, and worksheets). Use what is most helpful for your kids and ignore the rest.

When to re-open church? What about the kids ministry? Let’s talk Coronavirus.

COVID-19 has been closing churches since March 15th. Congregations are starting to come back. 20% of churches will open for in-person events this Sunday (5/17). That’s up from a low of 3.6% on 4/19. We’ve been polling our website readers every week: What is your church doing this Sunday? Full results at the link below. We went live on Facebook with Tom Bump from the Kids Ministry Collective to talk through all these issues (and more). Transcript

Kids Bible Study (John 11:1-45) Jesus Raised Lazarus from the Dead

This Sunday School lesson was designed for parents to use with their children at home on the week of March 29, 2020. Everything is included in the PDF download below (teaching notes, coloring pages, craft directions, game ideas, and worksheets). Use what is most helpful for your kids and ignore the rest. Families can also watch our children’s message, suggested music, and craft demonstration in the video playlist below. “Jesus Raised Lazarus” Home Sunday School Lesson on John

The Cost of Following Jesus (John 16) Bible Lesson for Kids

Young students may develop a habit of faith, following the coat tails of parents. Perhaps they attend church and Sunday School because that is just what they have always done, and they don’t think much of it. But it is important to establish early on how important it is to truly follow Christ. It means more we might have to make hard choices or give things up, but He is with us, and He is the only

Teaching Kids How to Pray for Others

Lifting one another in prayer follows the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I always want prayer! Serving others in prayer helps our Christian friends through the tough times and sows prayer seeds for our own battles. Children who pray set a holy example to others but praying for others does not come naturally to everyone. As the teacher or kids’ pastor, it is our responsibility to help kids learn

How Do You Answer Kids’ Hard Questions at Church?

Children not only say the funniest things, but they can ask them too! Answering kids tough questions can challenge anyone. That includes a seasoned children’s pastor. We’ve all heard questions like these. “Why did my Grandpa die?” “Where do babies come from?” “Who married Cain?” Before tackling these questions and more use the ABC’s of Children’s Ministry. A is for Appropriate When confronted with deep, puzzling questions from your kids consider this first. Is this question appropriate

How Do You Teach Kids To Be Saved?

This post launches a new feature called Children’s Ministry Think Tank. I have asked several friends in children’s ministry to join the project. About twice each month, I will email them tough questions and post their answers here on the website. My aim is to get different perspectives and help everyone to learn (including me). Please read through the responses and share your own ideas below. Think Tank Question #1 Jon is an 8 year old boy

Children’s Sermon Object Lesson (Romans 5:12-21) Adam’s Sin and Christ’s Gift

Jesus Paid it All! Children’s Message on God’s Grace and Romans 5 Main Objective: What does it cost to get to Heaven? How can we achieve salvation? Well, the bad news is that we all fall short of God’s glory, and no one is capable of earning or buying grace. Because of Adam, we are born into sin, which bears the consequence of death. The good news is that through Jesus, we have eternal life and righteousness!

Children’s Sermon (Acts 16:16-34) Paul and Silas in Prison

Use this children’s sermon in your kids church, Sunday School, or children’s ministry teaching. It’s based on the miraculous earthquake in Acts 16 where God opens the jail doors for Silas and Paul. Download the teaching notes, gather your object lesson supplies, and watch our children’s sermon demonstration as you prepare to teach this Bible story for kids. Lesson Objective: Songs in jail? Rejoicing after being wrongfully arrested? The story of Paul and Silas in prison is

Unexpected Combinations: Children’s Sermon on the Golden Rule from Luke 6:27-38

Lesson Objective: The lesson here uses unexpected combinations to illustrate what can happen when we love our enemies. This message focuses on Christ’s challenging instructions admonishing us to love others. We are called to not only care for people that we like, but to pray even for those who might be unkind to us. It seems contradictory, but loving our enemies has power to change our hearts as well as theirs. An odd food mixture demonstrates how

Don’t Miss Jesus! Luke 2:41-52 Children’s Sermon

Who was and is Jesus? That might seem like a simple and straight forward Gospel question, but it’s an important one to address frequently with kids. This message focuses on the story of Jesus in the temple as a 12-year-old boy. The story reminds us that Jesus was aware of His identity as the Son of God, but also obeyed His parents and was responsible to them as a human. Mary and Joseph thought Jesus was lost,

Be Salty … the Jesus Way! Mark 9:38-50 Sunday School Lesson

These days, being “salty” isn’t much of a compliment…so what does it mean to have “salt” in our lives as Christians? Jesus calls us to flavor and influence the world for Him. He commands us to do all things in His name. Although we struggle on our own, in Christ we can do all things. This lesson focuses on a somewhat tricky passage in the Gospel of Mark, examining what it means to follow the Lord wholeheartedly

“Love God, Love People” Sunday School Lesson on the Greatest Commandment from Matthew 22:34-40

Children, in ideal circumstances, grow up in “safe” environments, to a certain extent, yet they are no doubt exposed to a host of negative behaviors in the world around them. People on the news, social media, and even everyday life can be cruel and unkind to one another. Hopefully youngsters recognize a lack of love when they see it. However, we want them to understand the importance of kindness, and to grow to be people who exhibit

Free to be Free…Embrace it!

    It is quite a beautiful and blessed thing that we are able to enjoy freedom in Christ Jesus. But just what does this mean, and how do we take hold of it? It can be easy to forget or take for granted our sinful consequences and Heavenly redemption, but it’s important to consider daily the implications of the cross. This message offers some practical reminders for students of how we can live in and for