See God’s Love: Strawberry Syrup Object Lesson

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See God’s Love: Strawberry Syrup Object LessonUnlike most folks, I’m not a big strawberry syrup fan but sometimes it’s delicious to have with milk. It makes a wonderful object lesson for teaching kids to see and appreciate God’s love. That’s perfect for Valentine’s Day or anytime you need to teach children about His precious love. This is so simple, it’s kind of silly to teach you but here goes:
Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Large clear glass or clear pitcher
  • Milk
  • Strawberry syrup like Quik
  • Long handled spoon
  • Cups to share the drink with
  • Straws

Have all these items ready in the teaching area. Keep the milk cold as long as possible. You don’t want to give away warm milk.
Now the verse I used is: “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.” That’s from 1 John 3:1.

  1. Pour the milk into the pitcher or glass and talk about how delicious it is. Ask kids to raise their hands if they love milk. Most probably will say they do.
  2. Tell kids that the milk is like the love we have for each other. When you love your friends, your parents, your loved ones, that is good but there is something even better than our regular love. It’s God’s love!
  3. Demonstrate God’s love and how it makes our love so much better by squirting some of the Quik into the milk. Squirt, squirt and squirt again.
  4. Ask kids, “What do you see? Is our love remaining the same? No indeed it is not! The Love of God poured into the love we have will change our love into something sweeter.
  5. Stir the milk and allow every to taste it. Say things like, “Isn’t that delicious?”
  6. Pray with the kids and lead them to the Lord. Then ask them if anyone wants to experience God’s sweeter love? Pray again!

Read more from Mimi by visiting her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

  1. Chocolate Syrup Object Lesson
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