Superhero Kids Crusade Ideas

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Public domain image via Wikimedia. Still frame from the animated cartoon "Superman: Billion Dollar Limited" (1942).
Children of every generation always have heroes but today’s kids seemed focused on superheroes. With the help of the media, kids watch digitally-enhanced characters achieve great feats like save an entire city from villains, all while shooting spider webs. What greater hero is there than Jesus? He offers so much more than a hulking hero or an invisible man! If you’re looking for an idea for a homemade kids’ crusade, you can’t go wrong using the superhero theme. I’ve done it and kids love it!
Boosting Crusade Attendance
What’s a crusade without good attendance? With the superhero kids crusade theme, you can “raise the roof” a few ways. First, I like offering prize incentives. Before the crusade, I purchase (or have donated) two bicycles. We give one away on the night of the crusade, usually a Friday, then one on the follow up Sunday morning. Kids can increase their chances to win a bike, toy or smaller prize like bags of candy, by dressing as a superhero and bringing friends. We had a church of superkids who couldn’t wait to celebrate Jesus.
Superhero Decorations
My favorite decoration was a giant cross with a red nylon cape trailing behind it. We blew a small fan on the nylon to make it look as if the cross cape was blowing in the breeze, or flying through the air. I used a projector and to project a superman emblem on a piece of foam. Instead of giant “S” in the center, I found an image that had a giant “J.” Once it was painted, it was easy to decorate tack the emblem to the center of the cross.
I created a city scape with giant cardboard boxes. Two were refrigerator boxes which we used as puppet stages. Using more foam, I made word signs that said, POW, BAM and WHAM. I hung these from ceiling fans everywhere. It was terrific!
Superhero Music
Obviously, the best music for this event was Hillsong’s “Jesus is My Superhero.” It became our theme. I also recorded the Superman and Batman theme songs and looped them during games and object lessons.
Superhero Lesson
My lesson was simple, after bringing out volunteers (dressed as made-up, goofy superheroes) I presented Jesus as the Savior of the World. Our children saw the difference between imaginary heroes and the real one — Jesus. I was careful not to tear down the imaginary characters but attendees knew that Thor was only a pretend hero, not a real one. Kids got a quick run-down of Jesus’ amazing miracles and how he saves us, even today. Kids were excited about accepting Jesus as their personal Superhero!
I hope these superhero kids’ crusade ideas inspired you with some new ideas. You can build a strong children’s ministry with regular crusades and events.

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