Download our 100% free printable Thanksgiving coloring pages. They are perfect for home, kids church, or Sunday School. Use the button below to download all the pages combined into one printable PDF file. Scroll down to see each individual coloring sheet. We have both Christian and non-religious versions (for public school teachers).
Thanksgiving Coloring Pages (100% Free) Sunday School or Children’s Church
Enjoy these free Thanksgiving coloring pages created by Mandy Groce. It can double as a Thanksgiving craft and learning activity to help children think about specific blessings in their lives. This would be the perfect addition to your Thanksgiving Sunday School lesson. I plan to use these coloring sheets in my children’s church during November.
New 2019 for Thanksgiving Coloring Pages
This is our newest illustration for kids to color this fall as they learn about gratitude towards God. It features a Thanksgiving Bible verse from Colossians 1:11-12, “May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; giving thanks to the Father.” This printable coloring page shows children with various pumpkins in a Fall scene.

“Food” Thanksgiving Coloring Pages
This simple coloring sheet for Thanksgiving shows the traditional foods used in a celebration for Thanksgiving. Download this printable picture to use with younger children and preschoolers.

Pilgrims Giving Thanks to God Coloring Sheet
This Thanksgiving coloring page shows an immigrant family when they first arrive to the shores of America. They lift up a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the safe voyage and the new world that awaits them in this land.
“I am Thankful” Tree Printable & Thanksgiving Coloring Page
This printable craft activity lets children make a Thanksgiving coloring sheet tree to show how they are giving thanks to God for the many blessings in their life. Use the additional coloring sheets to add thankful leaves to the main coloring page.
Christian Family Prayer at Thanksgiving Dinner Printable
This Thanksgiving coloring page shows a family together celebrating the holiday with a traditional dinner of Thanksgiving turkey. The coloring page caption reads, “Be thankful in all things.”

Autumn / Fall Thanks to God Coloring Pages
This coloring page shows several kids and their mom giving thanks for the beautiful season of Autumn. Print enough of these Thanksgiving coloring pages for your whole class.
“Give Thanks” Thanksgiving Coloring Pages
Fall Themed Thanksgiving Coloring Pages
Another new option for November 2019 Thanksgiving. This coloring sheet has outdoor fall themes like a bushel of apples, hay stalks, and a cornucopia.

Pilgrims Poster Bulletin Board Thanksgiving Activity
These Thanksgiving coloring pages can be combined into a larger craft project activity to help children understand why God deserves our gratitude and thanks for all the gifts he has lavished upon us. Simply download the PDF version below and print this activity for your Sunday School class or Children’s church.

Printable Thanksgiving Coloring Pages
Directions: To download this free coloring page, simply click the preview images for the printer friendly PDF files. We’ve also uploaded them in high resolution jpegs for advanced editing. Use these download links:
The tree coloring page has the words “I am thankful to the Lord.” It has bare tree branches, pumpkins, and a child’s swing. The second page has leaves where children can write in things for which they are thankful.
Mandy offered these thoughts about the pages. Be sure to leave her a comment if you want to thank her for this free material.
I planned these as an activity coloring sheet option, but the first sheet can be used for coloring only (younger kiddos). The idea being that the second sheet involves teacher/parent/student writing things that the student is thankful for. Once written, colored and cut, the tree can then be “trimmed”…
Here is a second coloring sheet for Thanksgiving. This one shows a traditional family seated around the dinner table. The captions says “Be thankful in all things.” This would be a great family activity sheet. This resource is also free to use in any ministry context.
This coloring page features a Pilgrim family and their prayer of Thanksgiving to God as their ship arrives safely. It’s a more historical approach to the holiday and would be great for homeschool or Christian schools. Also illustrated by Mandy Groce.
Don’t miss our newly updated free printable Christmas coloring pages for kids.
Need More Ideas? Many has also posted an printable Autumn Coloring page. You can browse all our free materials for Thanksgiving. These include a thanksgiving Bible lesson and Thanksgiving craft ideas.
More Printable Thanksgiving Ideas for Your Children’s Ministry or Sunday School
Thanksgiving (Family Devotional)
This devotional is designed for the family and can be done on Thanksgiving or used alongside our Thanksgiving coloring pages. The objective of this devotional is to teach children to thank God for all of the things that they are thankful for. Pre-Devotional Questions: Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving? (Answer: Because of the good harvest) Who should we thank […]
Printable Thanksgiving Blessing Journal (November)
November is almost upon us and that gets us to start thinking about Thanksgiving. I always love to have my students think of blessings in their lives. This Thanksgiving Blessing Journal will be perfect for them to make and use throughout the month of November. This is a perfect companion to our PDF Thanksgiving coloring pages .
Thank you so much! I will use these for my daughter’s special needs class!
We are a very small church, but have about 10 little children on most Sunday mornings. Thank you so much for supplying us with great ideas and work pages!!
Thank you will use this for my Sunday school class
How generous! Thank you for your giving heart and for using your talents to further the word of God! As for me I’m just thankful! Enjoy many blessings! ???
I have not taught Sunday School for a few years now, and I have offered to fill in for the Pastors wife who just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I was a little nervous about material to use for the Thanksgiving day lesson. Then I found your print offs. What a blessing it will be to do this with the children. Thank you for your thoughtful gift. Laurie LaRoque
I love the “I’m Thankful For” tree.
Thank you for all your help and ideas god bless u ministry more and more
Thank you so much God bless your ministry in Jesus Name
I just love the lessons and crafts you have on your site – I use them all the time for the children’s church classes that I teach. Love the pictures Mandy has she is very talented and love that you all are willing to share your talent and knowledge of God to others. Keep up the amazing job.
Mandy, I have used so many of your coloring pages! They have been a very great blessing. Because our church fellowship is small, we have a very small number of children. You have met a need; and we so appreciate you using your gifts to serve the Lord, His little ones, and their parents. Thank you for making these available for free! May the Lord bless you and your family!
In Christ,
Thank you so much for your beautiful and practical materials! I have used them to teach Wednesday night class, that
has a wide age range and also our junior church that also has a wide age range. The materials have been a blessing to me and to the children that I teach. Thank you for using your talents to further God’s Kingdom!!!
Your resources are wonderful. Thank you for sharing your gift and making available at no charge.
I have a range of ages in Sunday school and I’m so grateful to always find exactly what I need.
May the Lord continue to use your life for His glory.
I am a mom of three,from India.Instead of giving them cartoons and princesses,I was searching for pages that are scriptural and edifying for my little ones.May God bless you and sustain you!