This page is your 100% free resource for planning this year’s Thanksgiving Sunday School Lesson. Choose from printable PDF lesson plans below and then choose just the right craft project or coloring page to help the children remember what they learned in your class.

Sunday School Lessons on Thankfulness
We’ve combined our most popular 3 unit study for Thanksgiving into one easy print PDF below. This file includes four different coloring pages to make things simple. It was designed to be a three week session, but you could combine the elements if your class minutes are limited. This is our featured resource for November if you need several weeks of material leading up to Thanksgiving. This 3 part mini-curriculum is ideal for Sunday School or Children’s church.
If you’re just looking for a one week study, then choose from the following Thanksgiving Sunday school lessons. They are made to be taught as single units, so it’s perfect if you just need a lesson for just one Wednesday night class or kids church.
Sunday School Lesson (Luke 17:11-17) Jesus Heals: Who Says Thanks?
This free Thanksgiving Sunday School lesson is based on Luke 17:11-17, when Jesus healed 10 lepers but only one returned to offer him thanks. Download the printable version below and watch the craft example video below. The link below includes the complete lesson plan, activities, craft instructions, and some bonus coloring pages. We even added the […]
Thanksgiving Children’s Sermon (1 Thess 5:16-19) Object Lesson
Download this Thankfulness object lesson to remind kids to have gratitude the whole Thanksgiving month of November. Then watch our the children’s sermon demonstration video below to prepare to share this message with kids in your church or Sunday School. “Thankful November” Children’s Sermon on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19 Object Lesson Message: A Month of Thanksgiving – […]
Children’s Sermon (Luke 17:11-17) Please Say Thank You
Download our printable children’s message based on Luke 17:11-17, when Jesus healed 10 men with Leprosy. It’s a powerful reminder for kids (and adults in the congregation) that God wants us to show gratitude for all that he has done for us. Then watch the object lesson teaching video below so you’ll be prepared for […]

- Thanksgiving Lesson for Children’s Church – This kids Bible lesson is based on Psalm 100 and will help children develop an attitude of thanksgiving to God.
- Thankfulness No Matter What: A Bible Lesson about Jehoshaphat – This flexible lesson has several learning activities and would work well in Sunday school or Children’s Church. It can be expanded if you have additional minutes with the children.
- Jesus and the Ten Lepers (thanksgiving lesson) – This lesson is targeted for older elementary kids but could be easily adapted. It will help children be thankful for the world that Jesus has done for us.
- A Thankful Heart is Willing to Give Sunday School Lesson – This study is based on the offering collected by David for the building of the temple in 1 Chronicles. Designed for older elementary Sunday School.
- Learn about Israel’s Thanksgiving Feast – This Bible lesson teaches about ancient feast of Tabernacles described in the book of Nehemiah. This is a model to thank the Lord for his provision.
- Preschool Bible Lesson about Thanksgiving – The story of Jesus and the The Ten Lepers is a great way to teach kids about thankfulness. This would be a perfect fit for preschool Sunday school for children on the week of Thanksgiving.
- Matthew 25:1-13 Lesson about Thankfulness – Another lesson based on Jesus and the 10 Lepers
- Another Preschool “Thankfulness” lesson based on Luke 17
- Another Thanksgiving Preschool Lesson for Sunday School – This one has some simple craft ideas included and is based on John 10:10 where Jesus talks about abundant life.
- Thankful at All Times: Preschool Lesson – This lesson is a follow-up to the one listed above. Based on 1 Thessalonians 5:18. ” give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
- “Thanksgiving” Lesson from Psalm 107:1 for Elementary Aged Kids
- Thanksgiving Sunday School lessons and activities on Sunday School Works
Activities, Bible Crafts, and Printables for Children’s Church
Once you have a great Bible lesson on thankfulness, choose from these additional learning activities to use in your children’s church or Sunday School class.
Thanksgiving Coloring Pages for Sunday School
We’ve combined all our free coloring sheets about Thanksgiving into one easy print PDF file. Use the download below or click the individual links if you would rather just pick the sheets you need.
Thanksgiving Coloring Sheets – This link will take you to the original posts where we uploaded the printables. For each you can choose the PDF version or a JPEG image.
Thanksgiving Family Dinner – This one features a traditional family seated around the dinner table eating praying to God before eating the Thanksgiving turkey.
“Pilgrims Arrival” – This one has more of a historic approach with the immigrants arrival. It highlights the Christian history of this holiday as the people praise and worship God for their safe passage.
“Grateful Pilgrims” Coloring Craft – This project features several prints and then combines them into a wall mural or bulletin board decoration.
Autumn Coloring Pages – Also great to use during November as the weather turns colder to offer praise and thank the Lord for this beautiful time of year.
Thanksgiving Bible Craft for Sunday School Class
Use these crafts alongside your Thanksgiving Sunday school lessons. They offer a hands-on way for kids to reflect on what they learned and say thank you.
“Give Thanks – Say Thanks” Bible Craft for Sunday School
Here are three simple crafts for your Sunday School class on the topic of saying thanks. They are based on the story in Luke 17:11-19 when Jesus healed 10 men with leprosy, but only one came back to offer his gratitude. Download our printable directions and watch our video instructions below. Jesus Healed 10 Lepers […]
3 Paper Craft Ideas for Thanksgiving
Kids will love these easy construction paper based crafts in Sunday School or Children’s Church. Download the printable instructions and then watch how-to craft directions below. You’ll be ready to help kids learn about gratitude with simple hands on projects. Thanksgiving Crafts Paper Crafts for Teaching Thankfulness to Kids The fall Sunday School craft projects […]
“Thankfulness to God” Wreath project – Printable template for a large wreath and decorations
Printable Activity – Thanksgiving / Thankful Acrostic Poem
Thanksgiving Crafts & Bible Lessons for Kids – Here is our list of popular activities and crafts about being thankful.
Thanksgiving Craft: How to Make a Thankful Poster – Watch this video demonstration from Cullen about making an “I am thankful for” poster.
Printable Brackets “Someone is Thankful for Me”
Harvest Bible Verses for Thanksgiving
Thankfulness Bible Activities for Families or Children’s Church
Giving Thanks Each Day in November – This could be a fun challenge for your Sunday School class or even the whole church. The idea is to give thanks to God for each day in the month of November.
Thanksgiving BINGO for Sunday School – This game will be a great addition to any lesson on Thankfulness. Don’t miss all our Thanksgiving Games for Sunday School.
Ministering to suffering children should also be a concern during this season. Read this article we’ve titled “Thanksgiving: it’s an ugly day for many kids” to get some tips. Sometimes we forget kids outside the church (and many inside our congregations) don’t have the blessed home life we imagine at this time of year.
Thanksgiving Bible Verses – Our collection of popular Bible verses about giving thanks to God. This is perfect to add to any craft or memory verses for your Thanksgiving lesson.
Devotional – Be Thankful for Trials – Use this in your private time of praise and worship to focus your heart on God before teaching your lesson.
Prayer of Thanks for Children – We’ve created this easy to memorize prayer to help children express their gratitude toward God this seasons of Thanksgiving.
Why do we celebrate thanksgiving? Is it a religious holiday?
Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a secular holiday as well. Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the United States, celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. It originated as a harvest festival. … The event that Americans commonly call the “First Thanksgiving” was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in October 1621.
Read more on the Wikipedia Article on Thanksgiving
How does your church celebrate thanksgiving?
In many congregations, they take a special offering for world hunger relief. They may even have events where youth and adults volunteer in a local soup kitchen or food pantry. One church I know sends it’s deacons out into the community with gift baskets to families known to be in need. These include frozen turkey or ham, and other groceries to prepare a traditional family dinner. Then on the Sunday before the holiday, they have a church-wide dinner. This is typically a pot-luck or pitch-in where everyone brings their own dish to share.
Creative ideas to teach children how to be thankful towards God and others.
I will continue to pull up your web page for ideas for Children’s Church. Please let me know of other ideas for special days–Christmas, Easter, etc.
I am a toddler teacher at the Redeemer Lutheran church and I am always looking for ideas in bible lesson for my toddlers. Right now I have young toddlers.
I am a new toddler teacher my kids are from 1 to 4. We are a small church I only have 4 kids and some only about once a month. Thank you so much for your ideas. My kids love to do crafts lol. I am always looking for new ways to teach my kids.
I teach Pre- K thru 1st grade at St. Anne. I am looking for activites I have a thought making my plate mat for Thanksgiving, using the children hands to trace them on construction paper to show them to be thankful.