Like yours, my local church provides families with Halloween alternatives like trunk or treat and pumpkin prayer activities in kids church. But there’s always a bunch that likes going door-to-door for trick or treating, hoping to score big on candy and prizes. Even kids that don’t trick or treat understand the concept.
Ring doorbell. Demand candy or deliver a trick. Leave with candy. Why not use this Halloween activity as an object lesson? Here’s what I mean…
Bible Object Lesson for Halloween
Before class begins, place a door or appliance box in the teaching area. Position the door so kids can’t see who’s behind it. Gather several volunteers and give each one a prize to give away. I recommend a water gun full of water, candy, Silly String, a rock, an old shoe and plastic bugs. If you can’t find a door, you could use the door to your classroom.
Say, “You know, kids, I’ve been trick or treating before. Sometimes you get tricks and sometimes you get treats because on the other side of the door is usually a stranger. You never know if the person you’re going to visit is nice, mean or just plain weird. I’m looking for a volunteer to knock on the door and say, ‘Trick or Treat!”
(Have the other volunteers hide their goodies and stand in a line behind the door. If you have just one volunteer working at the door, give them a bag of goodies and let them distribute them as they like.)
As kids come to the door and say, “Trick or Treat!” the volunteer opens the door and hands out the prize. Ask each child show what they got. (For the kid who gets squirted with a water gun or Silly String, don’t aim for the face!)
After a few turns tell the kids, “You know, I am so glad that God doesn’t give me bad treats. When I talk to Him, I never have to worry that He’s going to be in a bad mood or scare me or ignore me. God loves us all the time! He gives us good things like His love, peace, forgiveness. Those are the best treats of all!”
Scriptures for the Children’s Message
Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 12:6, “Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith;”
More Lessons for Halloween
Don’t miss our full Halloween Sunday School Lesson based on the passage “Do Not Fear.” We also have printable Christian Coloring Pages about Halloween.
Will be using this children sermon this morning.