Where's the Line to See Jesus? [Video]

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A few different friends have been sending me this video from YouTube. It’s a new Christmas song that has a lot of appeal. It tells the story of shopping one Christmas when a young boy asks, “Where’s the line to see Jesus?” That simple statement points out a profound truth about the holiday season. Jesus should be the real attraction. Advent and Christmas should be a time when we get excited about our Savior.

I may show this video clip in my children’s church this Christmas season. Here are a few discussion questions to debrief once the kids watch it.

  1. What story does this song talk about?
  2. Why do you think it’s easier to get excited about Santa?
  3. If you could visit with Jesus face-to-face, what would you tell him?
  4. If you had to name a place, Where’s is the Line to See Jesus?

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