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Rev. Stephen R. Wilson
Rev. Steve Wilson is the site owner of
Bible Helps
and the creator of the
Alpha/Omega Christian
video game, available for free.
Jesus Calms the Storm: Sunday School Lesson
Lesson: Jesus Helps Us from Heaven
Lesson: Jesus Wants to Help Us!
Lesson: Ehud, the Sneaky Judge
Lesson: Deborah and Jael, Brave Women of God
Lesson: Gideon’s Thankful Faith
Lesson: Gideon’s Small Chances
Lesson: Samson, God’s Special Follower
Lesson: Strong Samson and Devious Delilah
Lesson: The Story of Ruth
Lesson: Hannah Gives Samuel to God
Lesson: The Lord Rejects Eli and His Sons and Calls Samuel
Lesson: The Philistines Defeat Israel, but God Defeats Dagon
Lesson: Saul Becomes King
Lesson: God Rejects Saul and Chooses David
Lesson: David and Goliath
Lesson: King Saul Tries to Kill David, but David Won’t Kill Saul
Lesson: David and Nabal – Abigail Makes Peace
Lesson: Saul Visits a Witch and David Becomes King
Lesson: Good Idea or Bad Idea? Uzzah Catches the Ark
Lesson: David and Bathsheba – David Does Wrong and Is Punished by God
Lesson: Solomon, the Wisest King?
Lesson: The Kingdom Divided!
Lesson: Elijah and the Widow
Lesson: Showdown on Mount Carmel
Lesson: God Appears to Elijah
Lesson: Showing Respect for God and the Leaders He Chooses
Lesson: Elijah Taken to Heaven
Lesson: Elisha Heals Naaman for Free, but Gehazi is Greedy
Lesson: Elisha is Merciful to His Enemies
Lesson: The Story of the Prophet Jonah
Lesson: Hezekiah and the Prophet Isaiah
Lesson: King Josiah and the Case of the Missing Bible
Lesson: Ezekiel the Watchman
Ezekiel 37:1-14 Lesson: The Valley of Dry Bones
Lesson: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are Brave for God
Lesson: God Makes King Nebuchadnezzar Act Like an Animal
Lesson: The Writing on the Wall
Lesson: Daniel in the Lions’ Den
Lesson: Rebuilding Jerusalem
Lesson: Queen Esther – For Such a Time as This
Lesson: John the Baptist is Born
Lesson: Gabriel Appears to Mary
Lesson: Joseph, Jesus’ Adopted Father
Lesson: The Birth of Jesus
Lesson: Jesus Presented in the Temple
Lesson: Visit of the Wise Men
Lesson: Jesus Stays Behind at the Temple
John the Baptist Prepares the Way
Lesson: In the Beginning was the Word
Lesson: Jesus is Baptized
Lesson: Jesus is Tempted
Lesson: John’s Disciples Follow Jesus
Lesson: Jesus Turns Water into Wine
Lesson: Jesus Clears the Temple
Lesson: Jesus Teaches Nicodemus – Born Again
Lesson: Jesus IS the New Temple!
Lesson: Jesus Teaches Nicodemus – For God So Loved the World
Lesson: Jesus and John Both Baptizing – He Must Become Greater
Lesson: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well
Lesson: Jesus Heals the Official’s Son
Lesson: Jesus Declares His Mission – A Prophet without Honor
Lesson: Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit in the Synagogue
Lesson: Calling the Disciples – Fishers of Men
Lesson: Blessed are Those Who Mourn
Lesson: Blessed Are the Meek
Lesson: Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
Lesson: Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
Lesson: Salt of the Earth
Lesson: Blessed are the Persecuted
Lesson: Blessed are the Peacemakers
Lesson: Blessed are the Pure in Heart
Lesson: Blessed are the Merciful
Lesson: Let Your Yes be Yes
Lesson: Cutting Sin Out of Our Lives
Lesson: Raca!
Lesson: Light of the World
Lesson: Turn the Other Cheek
Lesson: Love Your Enemies
Lesson: Do Not Let Your Right Hand Know What Your Left Hand is Doing
Lesson: The Lord’s Prayer (part 1)
Lesson: Lamp of the Body
Lesson: Treasure in Heaven
Lesson: Parable of the Rich Fool
Lesson: The Lord’s Prayer (part 2)
Lesson: Do Not Throw Your Pearls to Pigs
Lesson: Do Not Judge
Lesson: Don’t Worry, but Seek First God’s Kingdom
Lesson: No One Can Serve Two Masters
Lesson: Ask, Seek, Knock
Lesson: The Golden Rule
Lesson: The Narrow and Wide Gates
Lesson: By Their Fruit
Lesson: Wise and Foolish Builders
Lesson: Why Do We Study the Bible?
Bible Lesson: The Story of Job for Kids
Lesson: The Tower of Babel
Lesson: Noah’s Big Mistake
Lesson: Noah’s Ark and the Flood
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