Children’s Sermon: God and the Walls of Jericho

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about Joshua and the battle of Jericho to teach kids about listening to God’s instructions. Scripture: Joshua 5:13-6:27 Needed: optional tower of blocks or cushions Children’s Sermon Summarize Joshua 5:13-6:27 with the following story and actions. Say, today, we’re going to pretend to be the Israelites. After God used Moses to free the Israelites from … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: Lifting Up the Snake, and Jesus

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about Moses and the bronze snake to teach children to look to Jesus for salvation. Scripture: Numbers 21 Needed: picture of the bronze snake , picture of Jesus during the crucifixion Children’s Sermon Show students your two pictures. Ask, Does anyone notice something that’s the same in these two pictures? There are crosses in both … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: God Turns Things Around for Joseph

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Joseph and his brothers to teach kids how God always works things out for good. Scripture: Genesis 37-50 Needed: a picture of people helping each during a natural disaster and a picture of people helping each other after a natural disaster Children’s Sermon Recall any recent or historically significant natural disaster. Talk about how … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: Isaac Practices Peace

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Isaac to teach kids how to live at peace with others. Scripture: Genesis 26:12-22 Needed: Three six-sided dice Children’s Sermon Call the students up front and ask for three volunteers from the congregation for a game of Bump. Have the volunteers line up in the center in front of you and the children. Give … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: Jacob Asks Esau to Forgive Him

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Jacob and Esau to teach kids how to ask for forgiveness. Scripture: Genesis 32-33 Needed: an invoice from home (or make your own ) and a gift box (possibly filled with cookies, coloring pages, or other small prizes) Children’s Sermon Show students your invoice and say, This is a bill. Do any of you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: The Rainbow of Hope

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Noah’s Ark and the Flood to teach kids that God always gives us hope. Scripture: Genesis 9:12-16 Needed: Picture of a rainbow Children’s Sermon Ask students, How many of you have ever had a bad day? What kinds of things can happen to make it a bad day? When you have a bad day, … More Children’s Ministry Resources